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我比较喜欢在家吃饭。Me gusta más comer en casa.

“组织发展”在中国还是一门新崛起的学科。O. D. is a late comer to China.

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在拐弯处有一个电话间。There is a telephone box on the comer.

据说是一个来自国外的新生。It’s said that a new comer from abroad.

我们公司新来的同事很健谈。The new comer in our company is voluble.

邻居们结伙反对新来者。We visited the new comer without ceremony.

实际上,谷歌是该领域的后觉者。In fact, Google is a late comer in this arena.

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这个男孩飞奔而去,很快消失在拐角那儿。The boy shot away and disappeared round a comer.

我想把我的桌子挪到那边的角落,它太沉了。I want to move my desk in that comer. It's so heavy.

蜘蛛似乎侵占了屋内木建部分的每个角落。Spiders seem to get into every comer of the woodwork.

在监狱里,一个人问新来的犯人为什么被关进来。In the prison he asked a new comer why he was sent there.

你能觉察出这屋角有煤气漏出来吗?。Can you detect an escape of gas in this comer of the room?

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欢迎来我们英语角,它是在一年前成立的。Welcome to our English Corner. This comer was set up a year ago.

约翰逊打出斜线球回击,球打到了底线右角。Johnson returns it crosscourt , deep to the right baseline comer.

我们楼道拐角多了几个报纸架。There appeared several newspaper stands at the comer of the corridor.

如果有必要,新来者在办公室外进行打扫并没有什么损失。It does not hurt the newest comer to sweep out the office if necessary.

卡莫说,这是一项异常艰巨的工作,既成本高昂又充满争议。Comer says it's incredibly hard work, expensive and often controversial.

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我问这位新来的人可否用一下他的梳子,可是他却一言不发。这真是一个一毛不。The new comer kept silent when I asked him whether I could use his comb.

Comer说,研究人员“做出了一个了不起的模型,它是真的有用”。The researchers "did a great model andit was really useful", says Comer.

这些孩子都面临巨大的障碍,耶鲁大学的詹姆士·卡莫说。These children face huge obstacles, says James Comer of Yale University.