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但芬尼有竞争对手。But Feeny has competition.

和其他网页客户端竞争?Competition for the Web App?

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竞争向任何人敞开大门。Competition is open to anyone.

高尔夫,一项运动竞赛?Golf, an athletic competition?

竞争没什么不好意思的。The competition isn't bashful.

玛丽真行,她赢了这场比赛。Merry! She won the competition.

因此,竞争是你死我活的。So it is cutthroat competition.

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那么竞争是友好的?So the competition is friendly?

假面舞会竞争的好吗?Masquerade competition is doing?

而且接下来还有竞争。And then there is the competition.

他以一本赢了这场比赛。He won the competition with ippon.

那是一场不分胜负的战争。It was a neck-to-neck competition.

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禾草类植物之间的竞争,对吧?The competition of grasses, right?

跟小企鹅来一场记忆比赛。Have a memory competition with Tux.

他力大无穷,无人能比。His infinite power, no competition.

那是一场势均力敌的比赛。It was a neck-and-neck competition.

让我们停止这种有损无益的竞争吧。Let's end the wasteful competition.

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而且,巨鲸面临着激烈的竞争。And Top100 faces fierce competition.

一个原因可能是竞争。One answer might be the competition.

友谊第一,比赛第二。Friendship first, competition second.