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吼猴为什么要吼叫?Why do howler monkeys howl?

猴子问。为什么你动作这么慢。Why are you so slow? the howler monkey asked one day.

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为什麽贝里斯的吼猴吼叫不那麽频繁?Why did the howler monkeys in Belize howl less often?

罗恩目瞪口呆地坐着,吼叫信自动撕成碎片。Ron sits stunned, and the Howler smashes itself into pieces.

吼猴们在地震一来就发出了警报呼叫。The howler monkeys sounded an alarm call just after the earthquake.

哈利仿佛又听见了韦斯莱夫人送给他儿子的那封吼叫信的声音。Harry could still hear the Howler Mrs. Weasley would send to her son.

很是大声响大声喊叫的猴是世上最大的新的野猴。The highly vocal howler monkey is the largest of the New World monkeys.

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当咆哮卡甫进场时,展示你牌库顶上的四张牌。When Kavu Howler comes into play, reveal the top four cards of your library.

根据本文,下列关于吼猴的叙述何者正确?According to the passage, which of the following is true about howler monkeys?

对于在树上攀爬的猴子来说,走在铺着沥青碎石的平坦路面上觉得很是古怪。It felt odd walking on smooth tarmac, to a chorus of howler monkeys in the trees.

雄性吼猴利用牠们的大嗓门去争夺食物,求偶,或宣示领土。Male howler monkeys use their loud voices to fight for food, mates, or territory.

因为一个愚蠢的错误导致了哈萨克斯坦在温布利的意外入球,英格兰左边卫受到到了严厉的批评。The left-back copped some serious stick after his howler lead to Kazakhstan scoring a shock goal at Wembley.

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通常,这种转换的定位要通过上下文语境,而有的时候软件会犯滑稽的错误。Typically the guess is made by analyzing context. Sometimes, the software can produce the occasional howler.

有趣的是,当某个地区只有极少数吼猴时,牠们会采取不同模式的吼叫惯例。Interestingly, when there are few howler monkeys in an area, the howling routine takes on a different pattern.

显然,拥有广大的空间且四周没有其他吼猴,吼猴就没有必要去查出周遭的竞争者。Apparently, with plenty of space and no other howler monkeys around, there was no need to check on the whereabouts of their competitors.

突然感觉被咬了一口,记得先前看见过热带水蛭,我拍了一把并尖叫起来,和一只滑稽的猴子没有什么两样。Suddenly I feel a bite and remember I had seen tropical leeches earlier. I am slapping and screeching in a way not dissimilar to a howler monkey.

穆里尼奥从来没有抛出过什么阴谋论的说法,这次他也拒绝卷入对赛后认为自己很倒霉的内维尔的评论。Mourinho has never been slow to make the most of a conspiracy theory but he refused to become involved in such a controversy over Neville's unfortunate howler.

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在保护区里,饲养者现在从远处播放预录的吼叫声音,以致猴子们察觉有发出宣示领土叫声的必要,如牠们在野外一样。At the sanctuary, keepers now use recorded howler sounds from a distance so that the monkeys feel the need to make the territorial calls as they would do in the wild.

他在委内瑞拉北部的这一带阴云笼罩的森林中拥有一处可可种植园,在那里豹猫在高耸的雨木下飞蹿而过,还有吼猴对着来访者尖叫。He owns a cacao plantation in this swath of untamed cloud forest in northern Venezuela, where ocelots dart under towering saman trees and howler monkeys shriek at visitors.

米兰体育报表示,斯托拉里有意同热那亚展开转会谈判,而红蓝军团高层不久前也曾公开表示希望引进一名比爱德华多更为可靠的门将。La Gazzetta dello Sport understands Storari suggested opening talks with Genoa himself after noticing that they require a reliable goalkeeper in light of Eduardo's latest howler.