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越南发生“东京湾事变”。Gulf of Tonkin incident occurs in Vietnam.

海南省的西部是北部湾。To the West of Hainan is the Gulf of Tonkin.

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这一骚动被称为越南东京湾事件。This was known as the Gulf of Tonkin Incident.

首先在我的清单中的是臭名昭著的北部湾事件。First on my list is the infamous Gulf of Tonkin incident.

沃勒和朋友本杰明·贾波与丹·汤肯一起录制并编辑了这段视频。He filmed and edited the clip with friends Benjamin Gabb and Dan Tonkin.

越南东北的一个城市,位于接近东京湾的红河三角洲。A city of northeast Vietnam on the Red River delta near the Gulf of Tonkin.

其西南部与越南接壤,南部与北部湾相连。It is also bounded by Vietnam in the southwest and the Gulf of Tonkin in the south.

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广东与海南、广西共同开发的“北部湾”项目也在起步。Guangdong and Hainan, Guangxi common development "Gulf of Tonkin " project also started.

广西在北部湾的海岸线不长,北海、秦州及房城港为其中重要海港城市。Guangxi has a short coastline on the Gulf of Tonkin . Important seaports include Beihai, Qinzhou and Fangchenggang.

北部湾高端艺术设计工作室是泰印支装饰设计工程公司与北海艺术职业技术学院合作成立的。The Gulf of Tonkin high-end art layout work room is and the North Sea art professional technology institute cooperation is tenable.

位于本州中南部,北、西连接山地,东、南沿太平洋和东京湾,主要属利根川和荒川流域。In south-central, north, west connecting the mountains, east and south along the Pacific and the Gulf of Tonkin , mainly and the River.

此举标志着广西北部湾经济区开放开发进入推动产业发展的新时期。This act symbolizes that the Guangxi Gulf of Tonkin economic zone opening development enters the impetus industrial development the new time.

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这些长相奇特的东京仰鼻猴,天生鼻子又窄又翘,还有两片肥厚的粉红嘴唇,并且只在越南的两个省发现了它们的踪迹。The strange-looking Tonkin snub-nosed monkey, only found in two Vietnamese provinces, naturally has a narrow, upturned nose and full, pink lips.

西南沿海,广西北海、钦州、防城三大港口共同组建的北部湾港口集团正式挂牌。一年来,港口岸线资源整合的力度明显加快。The southwest coast, the Guangxi North Sea, Qinzhou, guard against the Gulf of Tonkin harbor group official license which the city three big harbors set up together.

因此构建一个新的现代人才管理机制以适应北部湾经济区的快速发展已经成为当务之急。Therefore constructed a new modern talented person to manage the mechanism to adapt the Gulf of Tonkin economic zone fast development already to become the urgent matter.