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这将加强其他证据。This will thicken other proofs.

你可以用面粉使汤变浓。You can thicken the soup with flour.

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这道布丁菜凉了就会变稠。The pudding will thicken as it cools.

他加了一些面粉使汤浓些。He added some flour to thicken the soup.

我们将加点粉把汤调浓些。We'll add some flour to thicken the soup.

我总是加面粉将汤调浓。I always thicken my soups by adding flour.

使用生发产品。Use products created especially to thicken hair.

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煨一下直到调料成为粘稠状。Let it simmer for a while until the sauce is thicken.

如果你使地球的二氧化碳覆盖层变厚,地球会变得更暖。If you thicken the Earth's CO2 blanket, the Earth gets warmer.

如果你使地球的二氧化碳覆盖层变厚,地球会变得更暖。If you thicken the Earth’s CO2 blanket, the Earth gets warmer.

勺内加原汤勾芡淋明油浇在乌贼上。Shaonei plus soup thicken pour out the oil poured on the squid.

洋葱垂直生长,并在底部增厚形成鳞茎。They stand straight up and thicken at the bottom to form a bulb.

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它常用来勾芡酱汁,及在炖菜中取代面粉和脂肪。It is used to thicken sauces and stews in place of flour and fat.

顶部的叶子变细,作物的杆变粗而且变形。The top leaves thin out, and the stems thicken and become deformed.

最后加入芥兰度兜匀,埋芡,上碟。Lastly, add kale and sauce. Thicken the sauce with cornstarch. Dish.

特别是在柴油发动机,机油变稠因吸收烟尘。In diesel engines in particular, the oil can thicken by absorbing soot.

琼脂培养基,一种在海藻提取的凝胶物质,用作液体增稠剂。Agar agar, a gelling substance derived from algae, used to thicken liquids

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但是它们仍然知道什么时候该交配,什么时候该长胖,什么时候该御寒。But they still need to know when to mate, pack on fat or thicken their coats.

印染机通过热压法把花纹图样印到布料上面,顿时就升腾起一股难闻的染料气味。Dye fumes thicken the air, as floral designs are heat-pressed into the fabric.

加热,搅拌,直到芡汁一点点变粘稠起来,之后再把芡汁浇在鸡腿上。Heat, stirring, until the juices thicken a little, then pour over the chicken.