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迈克尔·肯伦是阿拉伯联合大公国大学的一名生化学家。J. Michael Conlon is a biochemist at the United Arab Emirates University.

尚永丰院士是我国著名生物化学与分子生物学家。Academician Shang Yongfeng is a famous biochemist and molecular biologist.

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美国生物化学家夏普、英国生物化学家罗伯茨发现断裂基因。American biochemists Sharp , the British biochemist Gene Roberts found fault.

斯坦福大学著名的生物化学家承诺把全部精力都放在推广纯素食上Prominent Stanford biochemist pledges to focus all his energy on promoting veganism.

他放弃了生物化学家的职业,变成一名历史学家、作家、出版人和活动家。He gave up his job as a biochemist to become a historian, writer, publisher and activist.

这位伦敦出生的音乐家、生物化学家的儿子创作并演唱了自己的数首歌。The London-born musician and son of a biochemist wrote and sang several songs of his own.

它由图福茨大学医学院的舍伍德博士和生化学家巴里发现。Sherwood Gorbach and biochemist Barry Goldin , both at Tufts University School of Medicine.

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例如,凯蒂是三个小孩的母亲,也是兼职生化学家。Katie, for example, is a mother of three young children who also works part-time as a biochemist.

这种叫“牛奶丝”的织物是生化学家兼时装设计师多玛斯科发明的。The textile, called "Qmilch" was developed by Domaske, a biochemist who is also a fashion designer.

反应作为化学振荡的范例,自二十世纪六十年代以来一直是化学家及生物化学家们研究的热点。As a paradigm of chemical oscillations, the B-Z reaction system has been the focus of the chemist and biochemist since 1960s.

亚瑟另一个儿子汤玛斯是旧金山加大的生物化学家,另一个儿子肯尼斯则是设计科学实验室的建筑师。Another of Arthur's sons, Thomas, is a biochemist at UC San Francisco. A second, Kenneth, is an architect who designs science labs.

阿布扎比大学生物化学家迈克尔•康伦博士表示,青蛙皮肤是该抗生素一个极佳的潜在来源。Frog skin is an excellent potential source of such antibiotic agents," said Dr Michael Conlon, a biochemist at the university in Abu Dhabi.

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阿布扎比大学生物化学家迈克尔·康伦博士表示,青蛙皮肤是该抗生素一个极佳的潜在来源。Frog skin is an excellent potential source of such antibiotic agents, " said Dr Michael Conlon, a biochemist at the university in Abu Dhabi.

他的孙女今年26岁,“身材高挑、苗条、阳光,人见人爱”,是生物化学家,从事基因测序工作。His 26-year-old granddaughter—“tall, slender, brighter than hell, with a take-no-prisoners personality”—is a biochemist and works on genetic sequencing.

李彦宏早先在硅谷最早的搜索引擎公司Infoseek工作,后来回国与一位年轻的生物化学学者共同创立了百度公司,并于2005年以27美元的股价在纳斯达克上市。Mr. Li worked at Infoseek, one of Silicon Valley’s earliest search engine companies, before returning to China to co-found Baidu with a young biochemist.

由生化学家转做佛教修行僧的马修‧理查谈训练心灵、培养「幸福」的习惯,从而体验真正的平静与圆满。Biochemist turned Buddhist monk Matthieu Ricard says we can train our minds in habits of well-being, to generate a true sense of serenity and fulfillment.

这位在过去的十年间在其网站上揭露科学造假者的前生物化学学者被两名男子追赶,用铁锤攻击。The former biochemist — who for the past decade has run a website exposing scientific fraudsters — was chased by two men, caught and attacked with a hammer.

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由以色列海法瑞本医学中心的生化学家迈克尔艾维瑞姆带领的研究人员,发明了一个可以利用葡萄皮的白葡萄酒制造方法。Researchers led by biochemist Michael Aviram of the Rambam Medical Center in Haifa, Israel, developed a method to make white wine that exploited the grape skins.

如果我在我的团队中有一位熟练生物化学家或分子的生物学家工作一到两年,也许花费了相同,但会更迅速地完成了。And if I had an experienced biochemist or molecular biologist at the bench for a year or two it probably would have cost the same and would have been done faster.

指导该研究项目的巴塞罗纳大学生物化学家玛尔塔•卡斯坎特说,研究表明,葡萄可以防止皮肤晒伤甚至可以预防皮肤癌。Marta Cascante, a biochemist at the University of Barcelona and director of the research project, said it proves grapes could help protect the skin from sun burn and even skin cancer.