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我们赢得了战争的胜利。We won the war victoriously.

弗吉尼亚成功地捍卫了她的领地。Virginia had defended her land victoriously.

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肉很快就卖完了,老人胜利地回家。Meat quickly sold, the elderly victoriously home.

党的代表大会在8月18日胜利结束。The Party Congress closed victoriously on August 18.

爱能使我们行走无畏惧、奔跑有信心、生活能得胜。Love enables us to walk fearlessly, to run confidently, and to live victoriously.

主是唯一可以帮助我们打赢生命中的每一场战役的。He is the only One who can help us victoriously fight through the battles of life.

伴着人们的拥护声,这名陆军军官爬上了坦克,表示胜利地举起了他的胳膊。Soaking up the adulation, the colonel mounted the tank and raised his arms victoriously.

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当英国胜利时,英国弓箭手骄傲的在被打败的法国人面前竖起两个手指头。When England won, the English archers victoriously held up two fingers at the defeated French.

他在十字架上这样做了并光荣的升天了,这一切显示一切都完成了。He did that on the cross of Calvary and rose victoriously to show that it was all accomplished.

一场和自身错误战斗的高潮,精神朝拜的胜利终止。The climactic battle to kill the false being within and victoriously conclude the spiritual pilgrimage.

因此,这一诗篇的著作时机可能是军人得胜凯归之时。Thus this psalm was possibly composed for the time when the soldiers returned victoriously from battle.

战争的高潮就是,消除人性中虚伪的一面,在心灵革命中吹响胜利的号角。The climactic battle to kill, the false being within and victoriously conclude the spiritual revolution.

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在打了许多这样的胜仗之后,总的敌我形势便将引起变化。After many such battles have been victoriously fought, the general situation between us and the enemy will change.

走进一家店铺,看到墙上挂着赚到的第一个美元钞票,总是提醒我第一个客户对于生意来说是多么重要。Walking into a business where the first dollar of profit is victoriously framed on the wall always reminds me how important the first customer is to small business.

革命正在胜利前进,红色根据地正在蓬勃发展。机会主义者却把革命的航船引入了歧路,人民的事业又面临着巨大的危险。The revolution marches on victoriously. The red base areas flourish. But opportunists lead the revolution down the wrong path. Once again the cause of the people is endangered.

可是尽管如此,虽然农民分遣队的实力和红军不可同日而语,但当他们胜利进军到游击队控制区的时候还是经常与红军发生冲突。Notwithstanding all this, the peasant detachments, incomparably weaker than the Red Army, often came into conflict with it after it victoriously moved into peasant guerrilla sectors.

坚持信仰建设,提高人的素质,是胜利推进社会主义事业、实现国家长治久安的治本之策。Adhering to belief cultivation and improving the qualities of the Chinese people are key strategies to advance our socialist cause victoriously and achieve the country's long political stability.