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裁判学校之岛!Referee School Island!

那个裁判几乎是瞎了眼。That referee is blind.

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他极不公平地指谪她。This referee is not fair.

为什么足球裁判穿黑色衣服?Why is the referee in black?

他是国际裁判?He is the international referee.

裁判判那个球为坏球。The referee called it a no ball.

裁判宣布他没有越位。The referee declared him onside.

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每队球队须派出一位球证。Each Team Must Provide a Referee.

裁判员判定该进球无效。The referee called the goal illegal.

现在他只能听由裁判发落了。He is now at the mercy of the referee.

裁判吹哨,判了个点球。The referee is whistling for a penalty.

裁判偏袒主队。The referee is partial to the host team.

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裁判员吹了哨,比赛开始。The referee whistled and the game began.

裁判哨子一响,比赛开始了。The referee whistled and the game began.

裁判员宣布比赛不分胜负。The referee declared the game to be a tie.

裁判员吹哨子宣布比赛结束。The referee whistled the end of the match.

一场公平的赛事取决于一位大公无私的球证。A fair game depends on an unbiased referee.

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那个进球被裁判判为越位。The goal was called offside by the referee.

裁判因为英斯有危险动作而提出警告。The referee warned Ince for dangerous play.

Terry将球投出,裁判吹哨了Terry takes a shot,and the referee whistles.