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我访问过在中国的印度跨国公司苏司兰。I have visited Indian Multinational Suzlon in china.

跨国公司没有做好Multinational corporations aren't really doing their job

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尽管外国工会欢呼雀跃,但是跨国公司却愁眉不展。While foreign unions cheer, multinational companies fret.

我在为一个叫DAK集团的大型跨国公司工作。I work for a large multinational company called DAK Group.

跨国公司不会自己管。multinational corporations aren't going to regulate themselves.

一个完整多国指挥中心可运作达到20天。A full multinational complement would be reached within 20 days.

这些品牌育肥利润的跨国营销。Those brands are fattening the profits of multinational marketers.

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温家宝说,我们欢迎跨国公司到中国投资。Wen said that we welcome multinational companies to invest in China.

浩达为许多国内外的顶尖跨国企业提供法律和咨询服务。HIL acts for many top multinational companies in China and in Europe.

许多跨国公司都在该地区从事相当规模的经营。Many multinational companies have substantial operations in this area.

我没有竭胡念成为一个多国公司的CEO。I have long been dreaming of becoming a CEO of a multinational company.

中国是一个历史悠久、文化灿烂的多民族国家。China is a multinational country with a long history and splendid culture.

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从那以后,柳传志就要管理一家跨国企业。Ever since, Liu has experimented with managing a multinational enterprise.

很多有抱负的中国女性,在跨国企业找到了自己的位置。Many female high-fliers in China find it easier to work for a multinational.

我国是一个幅员辽阔,历史悠久的多民族国家。Our country is vast in territory, the history glorious multinational country.

1997年他成为萨拉热窝多国旅中心的指挥官。In 1997, Budde was made Commander of the Multinational Brigade Centre in Sarajevo.

哈尼尔集团是一家德国公司,成立于年前。Haniel Group is a multinational company based in Germany, established 250 years ago.

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代理多国丝网印刷材料,研制丝印设备。Acting multinational screen printing materials, development of silk screen equipment.

如今的挑战在于把五花八门的多国舰队打造成行动聚合体。The challenge now is to forge operational cohesion in a motley multinational flotilla.

经济流动,市场和机构——如跨国公司——全部一起。Economic flows, markets and organization — as in multinational firms — all go together.