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她吻了吻猪倌。She kissed the swineherd.

“谢谢您,不成,”猪倌回答说。"No, thank you! "said the swineherd.

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我把自己伪装成一个猪倌。I have to disguise myself as a swineherd.

她说。“他一定是一个有教养的猪倌!That swineherd must certainly have been well educated!

对了。我把自己伪装成一个猪倌。That's right. I have to disguise myself as a swineherd.

“我只要公主给我接十个吻就够了。”猪倌说。"I will have ten kisses from the Princess, " said the swineherd.

我不想娶个只因为个罐子就去吻一个脏兮兮的猪倌的女子。I don't want to marry a woman who kissed a dirty swineherd because of a pot.

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公主站在屋外,哭了起来。猪倌也发起牢骚来。天正下着大雨。The Princess now stood and wept, the swineherd scolded, and the rain poured down.

不,我不愿意。我不想娶一个因为一个小壶就跟猪倌接吻的女人。No, I won't. I don't want to marry a woman who kissed a dirty swineherd because of a pot.

她犹豫了片刻,但是她实在太想要那个罐子了,回答说“好吧。”她就吻了这个猪倌。She hesitated for a moment, but she really wanted to have it, and answered. "All right. " She kissed the swineherd.

它的形状是如此这般,人们决不会弄错。”这儿还附带有一张关于这棵植物的图解,谁一看就可以认得出来。“它不论在冬天或夏天都是绿的。Then said the swineherd , "I am afraid I carried this plant away from the forest in my bundle, and it has been burnt to ashes long ago."

就在那一刻,国王看到了他们接吻。“你这是在做什么?”国王很生气就把公主和猪倌一起驱逐出了宫殿。At that moment, the king saw them kissing. "What are you doing?" The king was so angry that he expelled her and the swineherd from his palace.

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他们要求我制造一把能将农夫变成英雄,将酒鬼变成战士,将放猪人变成救世主的剑,我如是做了。As I did when they asked me to make a sword, a sword that could make a hero out of a husbandman, a warrior of an aleswiller, a savior from a swineherd.

当他们要求我打造一把剑时我也照做了,那是一把可以把农民变成英雄,把庄稼汉变成勇士,把养猪的变成救世主的剑。As I did when they asked me to make a sword, a sword that could make a hero out of a husbandman , a warrior of an aleswiller, a savior from a swineherd.