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在欧洲确立的FHP·IHP马达的市场结构将会如何?How is the distribution structure of FHP and IHP motors established in Europe?

此前,国际水文计划和免疫组化的意思,我最讨厌物理和我最讨厌化学。Previously, IHP and IHC meant I Hate Physics and I Hate Chemistry respectively.

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最后,对这项国际合作计划的科学进展问题谈了几点认识。In conclusion a few remarks upon the scientific progress of IHD and IHP are made.

本系统即提供整合检索功能,帮助使用者查询史语所之相关数位资源。The system provides the service of integration searching for the digital resources of IHP.

Juweid是描述IHP规范轮廓的论文共同作者和主要成像作者。Juweid is a co-author and principal imaging author of the paper outlining the IHP recommendations.

2004年「金石拓片数位典藏研讨会」的举行,史语所藏青铜器拓片资料库正式对外发表。On the "Discussion Forum on the Metal and Stone Rubbings Digital Archives" in 2004, the bronze rubbings database of IHP was officially opened to the public.

文章作者就内高压成形的模具设计以及功能集成给出了解决方案,并进一步讨论了内高压成形工艺的利润率。This paper presents solutions for tool design and functional integration for hydroforming tubes. Furthermore the profitability of IHP processes is demonstrated.

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同时,本文论述了船舶综合液压推进系统的推进原理,给出了船舶液压综合推进系统的设计方案,为船舶综合液压推进的进一步研究奠定基础。Simultaneitily, the principle of IHP ship was discussed in this paper and then the design of IHP was presented, which will lay the groundwork for the research of IHP.

国际水文计划的研究历程和发展态势表明,水资源研究已从单学科研究过渡到了多学科的集成研究。The study history and progress regime of IHP show that the water resource research has been changed from the single subject study to integral research with multi-subject.

目前,IHP正在充分利用家乡经济腾飞的良机,帮助酒店、饭馆、企业餐厅和其他服务类公司招聘和培训员工。Today, IHP is capitalizing on the business boom in its home city by helping hotels, restaurants, corporate cafeterias, and other service-sector companies hire and train employees.