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但是解海龙对这样的劝阻已经习以为常。But Xie was used to this kind of discouragement.

请求祂将你的受挫化为耐心。Ask him to transform your discouragement into patience.

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迈克尔·乔丹没有因一次投篮不中而气馁。Michael Jordan didn't let a missed shot create discouragement.

克服你的灰心丧气,突破上帝在你面前设下的难关。Resist discouragement and finish the race God has set before you.

一阵心灰意懒的情绪顿时沉重地压在他的心头。A feeling of discouragement for the moment bore down heavily upon him.

更大的挫折对爱德华爵士也没有影响。A great degree of discouragement indeed would not have affected Sir Edw.

当实行你的目的显得艰困时,不要灰心放弃。When fulfilling your purposes seems tough, don't give in to discouragement.

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气馁和失败绝对是成功的垫脚石。Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success.

不要放弃。抵抗沮丧的情绪,完成上帝为你安排的赛跑吧!Don't quit. Resist discouragement and finish the race God has set before you.

这将我们丢进不满足和气馁的枯燥生活。This can throw us onto a speeding treadmill of dissatisfaction, and discouragement.

这么多年来,我一直在纠结最强的敌人是拖延还是气馁。Over the years, I’ve debated whether the worst enemy is procrastination or discouragement.

开车回家的一路上,挫折、沮丧和不公平的感觉一股脑儿涌上头顶。Feelings of failure, discouragement and injustice flooded my mind during the entire drive home.

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有了爱,即使再锋利的逆境与挫折的刀箭长矛攻击我的新盾,也都会变得如细雨般的温柔。Adversity and discouragement will beat against my new shield and become as the softest of rains.

怀疑和恐惧是一种瘟疫,会迅速在主的羊群中传染开来。This disease of doubtfulness and discouragement is an epidemic which soon spreads amongst the Lord's flock.

当我回顾起我的职业生涯,我发现我对自己的胆怯总是有太多的理由。When I look back on my own career, I can find plenty of reasons for discouragement, personal discouragement.

更高的税率和更多的支出将无法治愈它施加给美国民众的苦难、忧虑和失望。More of the same will not cure the hardship, anxiety and discouragement it has imposed on the American people.

避免沮丧和泄气的最好方法是为自己的每一个小成就庆祝。One of the best ways to avoid discouragement and burnout is to simply appreciate the accomplishments that you make.

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不要去注意那些使你气馁的事情,无论你的道路是崎岖,是平坦,总当像一只轮船一样——不管雨天,晴天,依然向前行驶。Pay as little attention to discouragement as possible. Plough ahead as a steamer does, rough or smooth--rain or shine.

请继续为他们和他们的家庭祷告,好叫他们能够排除万难,忠心的服事。Do pray for them and their families so that no setback or discouragement will weaken their resolve to serve faithfully.

摩西将这话告诉以色列人,只是他们因苦工愁烦,不肯听他的话。Moses reported this to the Israelites, but they did not listen to him because of their discouragement and cruel bondage.