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烟囱里冒出烟。Chimneys belch out smoke.

饱嗝,说,“嘿,你不belch and say, "HEY, YOU DON'T

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不在公共场合打嗝或搔痒Doesn't belch or scratch in public

的能力,嗳气几乎是普遍的。The ability to belch is almost universal.

当他释怀的时候,他的胃轻摇一打嗝。His stomach jiggled as he let off a belch.

孩子打嗝儿了,让他喝口水吧。The kid is making a belch. Give him a drink.

绝对不要在餐桌上或在餐桌旁撸鼻子或打饱嗝。Never blow your nose, burp, belch at and around the table.

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我从阿维娃手中接过塞拉,两分钟持续有力的拍打后它终于打了个嗝。I took Sierra. Two minutes of firm patting resulted in a belch.

有人说打嗝时喝点儿热水就会好的。It's said drinking some warm water can help get over the belch.

不过这回,他脑溢血发作,嗝屁了。Do not cross this, his cerebral haemorrhage breaks out , belch fart.

但是我们认为那是我们目前见过的最美的黑洞大爆发。But we think this is the prettiest black-hole belch we’ve seen in a while.

手术后病人的打嗝和/或呕吐的能力可能受到限制。The ability to belch and or vomit may be limited following this procedure.

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司机停车,我要打嗝,恐怕会震碎你的车玻璃。Bus driver, pull it over. I got a pie belch coming that might break your windows.

吃完抱起来拍一拍,听到宝宝的嗝声空气就排出来了。After pat hold up, I heard the sound of your baby's belch out the air on schedule.

很快你们会听到感觉到这个星球的腹部轰鸣,呃逆,迸发,喷涌。Soon you shall hear and feel the belly of this planet roar, hiccup, belch and spew.

我就是牛,我吃草,沼气从我的屁股放出来,打嗝时又从我口鼻喷出来。I am cow, eating grass, methane gas comes out my ass, and out my muzzle when I belch.

有时候在路上,他会猛然把车一停然后破车就开始冒起烟来。Half the time, he would slam to a stop and the old truck would belch a cloud of smoke.

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很快你们会听到感觉到这个星球的腹部轰鸣,呃逆,迸发,喷涌。Soon you shall hear and feel the belly of thellos planet roar, helloccup, belch and spew.

瑞典一间大学将要测量牛打嗝时所排放的温室气体。Swedish university is going to measure the greenhouse gases cows give off when they belch.

但是在那里,没有人会说自己的价值是由她丈夫的打嗝响度测量。But over there, nobody will say her worth is measured by the loudness of her husband's belch.