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大人要吃巧克力了。Monseigneur was about to take his chocolate.

九年以来,由于他行为圣洁,作风和蔼。In the course of nine years Monseigneur Bienvenu had.

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“不准开口!”一个警察说,“这是主教先生。”Silence! " said the gendarme. "He is Monseigneur the Bishop. "

但是我是为了我的主教着想。It makes no difference to us. But it is for the sake of Monseigneur.

“我喜欢这名称,”他说,“卞福汝赛过主教大人。”"I like that name," said he. "Bienvenu makes up for the Monseigneur."

“我喜欢这名称,”他说,“卞福汝赛过主教大人。”I like that name, " said he. "Bienvenu makes up for the Monseigneur. "

主教,以上天之名,不要到那儿去吧!您冒着生命危险呢。Do not go, Monseigneur . In the name of Heaven! You are risking your life!

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卞福汝主教便是从这个天堂渡到那个天堂去的。It was from this paradise that Monseigneur Welcome had passed to the other.

大人大多数晚上都要跟美艳的友伴们外出使餐。Monseigneur was out at a little supper most nights, with fascinating company.

次日破晓,卞福汝主教在他的园中散步。The next morning at sunrise Monseigneur Bienvenu was strolling in his garden.

大家都觉得在卞福汝主教跟前没有发迹的可能。The impossibility of growing great under Monseigneur Bienvenu was so well understood.

大人发出一声不耐烦的惊叹,那张不动声色的脸往外望了望。With an exclamation of impatience, but with his Unchangeable face, Monseigneur looked out.

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那种论调对卞福汝主教是非常新奇的,他听了,不免有些诧异。Monseigneur Bienvenu listened in some astonishment to this language, which was very new to him.

足见卞福汝主教也偶尔有过他的政见、他的苦闷、他的隐情。Thus Monseigneur Bienvenu also had his hour of party spirit, his hour of bitterness, his cloud.

吉诺曼先生身边有女儿,正如我们从前见过的那位卞福汝主教身边有妹子。M. Gillenormand had his daughter near him, as we have seen that Monseigneur Bienvenu had his sister with him.

卞福汝主教的相貌正象老乡们所说的那种“美男子”,但他的和蔼性格已使人忘了他面貌的美。Monseigneur Welcome had what the people term a "fine head, " but so amiable was he that they forgot that it was fine.

次日破晓,卞福汝主教在他的园中散步。马格洛大娘慌慌张张地向他跑来。The next morning at sunrise Monseigneur Bienvenu was strolling in his garden. Madame Magloire ran up to him in utter consternation.

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据说鬼魂喜欢在生前常到的地方出没,因此没有了钱的老爷们也常在他们过去存钱的地方出没。Spirits are supposed to haunt the places where their bodies most resorted, and Monseigneur without a guinea haunted the spot where his guineas used to be.

据传说,卞福汝主教从前在青年时期,甚至在壮年时期,都曾是一个热情的人,也许还是一个粗暴的人。Monseigneur Bienvenu had formerly been anent his youth , and even in regard to his manhood , were to be believed, a passionate , and, possibly , a violent man.

卞福汝主教和他的妹子道过晚安以后,从桌上拿起一个银烛台,并把另外那一个交给他的客人,说After bidding his sister good night, Monseigneur Bienvenu took one of the two silver candlesticks from the table, handed the other to his guest, and said to him