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非经法定程序不得减刑。No commutation shall be decided unless by a legal procedure.

换相失败是直流系统的最常见故障之一。Commutation failures are one of the common faults in HVDC systems.

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当我在火车上睡觉时,我的钱包和月票被偷了。I had my purse and commutation ticket stolen while I was sleeping in the train.

其次,本文专门研究了无刷直流电机的换相转矩脉动。Sequentially, the commutation torque ripples are mainly investigated in the paper.

本文分析了多相无刷直流发电机的换向过程。The paper analyses the commutation processes in polyphase brushless DC generators.

任何被判处死刑的人应有权要求赦免或减刑。Anyone sentenced to death shall have the right to seek pardon or commutation of the sentence.

直流励磁时间和强制换向时间都由一个外部电容设定。Each period of DC excitation and forced commutation drives is set with an external capacitor.

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R6的调制是结合交换阻气门产生和谐波完成的。The modulation of the R6 in conjunction with the use of a commutation choke generates harmonics.

并用模简并和光子对易的观点分析了上述方法的物理过程。The opinions of mode degeneracy and photon commutation are presented to explain the above method.

针对矩阵式变换器中双向开关的安全换流问题进行了研究。This paper discusses the current commutation of the bi directional switches in a matrix converter.

最后,文章对我国现行减刑制度的正当性进行了认真反思。In the end, the author made a discussion about the justifiability of the current commutation system.

此外,这种先进的MOSFET的目的是在雪崩和减刑承受高能量的时间。In addition, this advanced MOSFET is designed to withstand high energy in avalanche and commutation time.

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为消除元件在换流过程中的关断损坏,还推荐一种改进型整流电路。An improved rectifying circuit is recommended to avoid component switch-off damages during the commutation.

并导出了电励磁双凸极电机无刷直流发电系统考虑换相过程时的非线性仿真模型。The nonlinear simulation model of the system is derived when the current commutation process is considered.

重点分析了影响换相失败的各个因素之间的关系以及对换相失败的影响程度。The emphases is on analyzing the relationship of the factors and the degree of impact on commutation failure.

单人沙发有着更多的表情变换空间,也容下更多喜怒哀乐的记忆。Single person sofa is having more expressional commutation spaces, also allow the memory of next more feeling.

通过实验波形证实本结论分析正确,可以为电机减小转矩脉动作为参考。The experimental figure approve the conclusion is right Can as reference for minish Commutation torque ripple.

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在特高压直流输电中换相失败也是主要的故障。Commutation failure is one of the most common failures for the high voltage direct current transmission system.

第四章首先阐述了三角形网格的划分方法,其中用到了二维等参元变换。The fourth chapter introduces the method of triangle cell division, 2D equivalent parameter commutation is adopted.

无刷直流电动机反电势电流对电机转矩脉动、效率和换相控制有着直接影响。Back electromotive force current of BLDCM influences the torque ripple, efficiency and commutation control directly.