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收藏品和纪念品。Memorabilia and mementoes.

婚礼纪念品是用骨瓷制成的。The wedding memorabilia is being made with bone china.

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共和党已经展示出它的皇室婚礼大事记。Republic has brought out its own royal wedding memorabilia.

给你的巴特勒在一个狮子头的形状一饭店纪念品。The Butler gives you a HOTEL MEMORABILIA in the shape of a lion head.

以马为主题的房间可以展示奖杯、图片和大事记。A horse-themed room could showcase trophies, pictures and memorabilia.

检察官称杰克逊用这些钱来购买昂贵的个人用品和名人纪念品。Prosecutors say he spent the money on expensive personal items and celebrity memorabilia.

这份歌词手写稿将于7月10日拍卖,是克里斯蒂拍卖行“摇滚与流行大事记”主题拍卖的其中一件拍卖品。The lyrics are being sold as part of Christie's Rock and Pop Memorabilia sale on July 10.

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更多皇家珍藏的纪念品将在明年的钻石庆典上发布。More Royal Collection memorabilia will be unveiled as next year's Diamond Jubilee approaches.

官方称这名前球星伙同他人偷走了体育纪念品。Authorities say the former football star was in a group of people that stole sports memorabilia.

布莱恩把他的相集那拿给我们欣赏,解说每一张照片,告诉我们每件令他刻骨铭心的事。Brian showed us his photo gallery explaining about every picture and telling us his memorabilia.

列宁纪念馆现在用来陈列列宁的著作和其他一些关于列宁的纪念物品。The Institute of Lenin served as a repository for Lenin’s writings and for other Lenin memorabilia.

目前,它是朗兹县历史协会,且是具有纪念价值的房屋的所在。Currently, it is the site of the Lowndes County Historical Society, and houses historic memorabilia.

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现在看来,许多人下载这个程序为了保存这个特殊日子的虚拟纪念品。It would seem that many people are downloading them in order to have virtual memorabilia of the day.

不久前我来到这里,走过山路旁排开售卖地震纪念品的卖主们。When I visited recently, I walked by vendors who line the mountain road, selling earthquake memorabilia.

除此之外,编剧达斯汀兰科布莱克还采访了他健在的朋友,就一些大事向他们求证。In addition, screenwriter Dustin Lance Black interviewed surviving friends and examined their memorabilia.

不管算不算有些缺乏风度,的确在伦敦街上许多销售的皇室纪念品是追随着戴安娜王妃的。Tacky or not, much of the Royal memorabilia on sale in the streets of London harks back to Princess Diana.

建筑物粉刷房屋市场和商店路线的街道,是该地区的纪念品充分。Whitewashed buildings housing markets and shops line the streets and are full of memorabilia of the region.

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拿破仑的纪念品在全欧洲广受欢迎,这也反映在这张椅子的预估价格之中。Napoleon memorabilia is hugely popular across Europe and that is reflected in the estimate put on this chair.

威廉王子和凯特﹒米德尔顿的皇室婚礼纪念品在伦敦市中心的纪念品商店出售。Royal wedding memorabilia of Prince William and Kate Middleton are shown at a souvenir shop in central London.

这位财务经理在过去20多年中,一直收集迪斯尼大事记,如书籍、杂志和DVD等。The finance manager has been collecting Disney memorabilia like books, magazines and DVDs for more than 20 years.