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欢迎睿智的意见。Welcoming of sagacious advice.

精明的商人在生意上很少失败。A sagacious businessman seldom fails in his business.

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哲秀就在危险和平凡中小心翼翼保持平衡。Sagacious show is in dangerous peace every cautious poise.

在这四条路中,不如他明智的人一定会犹豫不决。Between these four ways, a less sagacious man would have remained undecided.

道貌岸然的牧师说了一套他认为相当聪明的解释。The sagacious minister offered what he considered a rather clever explanation.

高高的个子,良好的教育背景,睿智的头脑和一双深情的眼睛。I wish you tall, well educated, sagacious and have a pair of deep feeling eyes.

基本状况伯父是一个非常睿智和幽默的人,象一个哲学家。My uncle is a very sagacious and humorous person, he is more like a philosopher.

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所以,人们称龟为“神龟”、“灵龟”。Therefore, people call the tortoise the "divine tortoise" or "sagacious tortoise".

在采取任何行动之前,应该考虑所有相关的因素,这是明智之举。It is sagacious that all relevant factors should be taken into account before taking any action.

其实,睿智的企业家是懂得变通的,也更懂得“曲线救国”的道理。Actually, sagacious entrepreneur knows flexible, also know more " the curve saves the nation " truth.

索尔感到无所适从时总会向他睿智的祖父寻求建议。Whenever Saul was confused about what to do, he would always go to his sagacious grandfather for advice.

正像一位睿智的朋友所说,“没有人希望临终前在办公室度过更多的时光”。As a sagacious friend put, 'nobody wants to spend his dying time in the office. ' You may earn your bread.

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婚后生活甜蜜,秀真还帮忙修复了哲洙与母亲的关系。The life after marriage is happy, show is true still help repair the relation of sagacious Zhu and mother.

我很敬佩他,不仅是因为他是一位出色的教师,更因为他是一位睿智的长者和知心的朋友。I admire him, not just because he is an excellent teacher, he is also a sagacious person and a bosom friend.

我和全球所有的长辈们在一起尽力维护文化的繁荣,一起维护文明的传承。Many friends, sagacious elderships and me work together to protect pluralistic culture and the civilization.

灰色是传统的颜色,中庸,凝重,睿智而不卑恭,极具人文色彩。Gray is traditional color, middle, dignified, sagacious and not low respectful, have humanitarian color extremely.

这种乐,实质上是对自身价值的一种认同,对自己成为自己的一种睿智把握。In essence, this kind of joy is the recognition of one's self value and the sagacious grasp of being one's own kind.

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主要市场领导者将会就线路板材料及制程的最新技术发表具启发性的演说。Worldwide key market leaders will share sagacious insights on the latest technologies in PCB materials and processing.

约翰霍普金斯大学助理教授张晋曾在钱永健的实验室担任博士后研究员,她称钱为“一个睿智的人”。Zhang Jin, an assistant professor at John Hopkins and a former post-doctor fellow in Tsien's lab, described him as " sagacious ".

书中像鲁智深,矮脚虎王英,和黑旋风李魁这样的角色,在旅行中,这些人物将会永远的成为你的一部分。Characters such as Sagacious Lu, Stumpy Tiger Wang, and Liu Kui the Blackwhirlwind, will forever be a part of you in your travels.