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汤姆点头称是。Tom nods saying is.

你在说什么呀?What are you saying.

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别冒失地说那话!Don't go saying that!

别胡说了。Stop saying nonsense.

你的意思是我吃相难看?So what are you saying?

总为我诉说爱的心语。Saying love words to me.

你是说我能飞啦?Are you saying I can fly?

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那还用说!That goes without saying.

你们懂我的意思。You know what I'm saying.

我年夜白你的意思。I hear what you're saying.

亚里士多德到底在说啥?What was Aristotle saying?

我一直强调说,艾文斯并没有罪。I'm not saying he's guilty.

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你能不能不要再这么说了?Would you stop saying that?

我喜欢他的幽默和坦诚。And I liked him saying that.

你只是说而已。You are justing saying that.

天主于是吩咐诺厄说。And God spoke to Noe, saying.

哦,你只是随便说说罢了!Oww, you're just saying that!

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你刚刚说了那个。-不。You're just saying that. -No.

你跟我说“胯下”吗?You're saying "crotch" to me?

他说那种话来污辱我。He insulted me by saying that.