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管道纵横交错。Ducts and pipes crisscross.

他的车在十字街口处突然转弯了。His car swung round at the crisscross.

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交叉对角线的图案。A pattern of crisscross diagonal lines.

政治家们将在欧洲大陆上来往奔波。Statesmen will crisscross the Continent.

你将要跪在地上,双腿交叉坐着。You're going to be sitting crisscross applesauce.

在金色的世界里,在戳铸交错间。In golden world, at snagging cast crisscross rooms.

阡陌纵横的田野,一片金黄灿烂。Crisscross paths on a farmland fields, a bright yellow.

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把这些长条上下交错编成像竹篮的格子。Form a lattice in a crisscross pattern with the strips.

肌动蛋白能够形成了一个电缆结构纵横交叉包围细胞。The actin protein forms cables that crisscross the cell.

尤尔把我们从无遮无挡的小路带到溪流里,这条溪流的名字叫纳哈尔.大卫,是交叉流过绿洲的四条泉水之一。This was Nahal David, one of four springs that crisscross the oasis.

网格线交叉分布在各绘图页上,就像传统的图纸一样。Grid lines crisscross each drawing page like those on traditional graph paper.

十字形截面轴心钢压杆有必要进行扭转屈曲的验算,计算方法宜采用换算长细比法。Axial steel struts of crisscross section need to be checked on torsional buckling.

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溪岸的形势象犬牙般交错参差,无法看到水的源头。Streamside situation like fangs as crisscross varies, cannot see the water source.

设有纵横两个方向的进出线口,适合多种布灯方案。The crisscross inlet and outlet holes make various types of lamp routing possible.

你将要跪在地上,双腿交叉坐着。You're going to be on your knees. You're going to be sitting crisscross applesauce.

正是纵横交错局势下的主动进攻中,肖义为了掩护姚二林而牺牲。It is crisscross situation offensive attack, XiaoYi screen for yao second Lin sacrifice.

这个城市布满纵横交错的街道,我沿着其中一条向家走去。The city street is covered with crisscross , from which I choose one to walk along home.

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谷歌态度的转变,源于无线电业界错综复杂的专利诉讼风潮。That shift in mentality comes as a wave of patent suits crisscross the wireless industry.

东部平原地区河道纵横交错,密如蛛网,大小河流有150余条。Across the eastern plain area over 150 rivers of various lengths crisscross like a spider web.

互联网上的交易能够穿州跨省而轻松回避监测。Transactions on the Internet can crisscross state and national borders without easy detection.