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或者肺炎。Or pneumonia.

肺炎是一种急性病。Pneumonia is an acute disease.

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她死于急性肺炎。She died from acute pneumonia.

肺炎预防针是非常安全的。Pneumonia vaccine is very safe.

青霉素治好了他的肺炎。Penicillin cured him of pneumonia.

盘尼西林治好了他的肺炎。Penicillin cured him of pneumonia.

那次肺炎的发作使她虚弱了。That bout of pneumonia enfeebled her.

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大夫把她的肺炎看好了。The doctor has cured her of pneumonia.

感冒易使患者感染肺炎。A cold predisposes a person to pneumonia.

肺炎也可能并发胸膜炎。Pneumonia may be complicated by a pleuritis.

肺炎,疟疾,癌症,还是心脏病Pneumonia? Malaria? Cancer? Or heart disease?

医生诊断这病为肺炎。The doctor diagnosed the illness as pneumonia.

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最常见的是卡氏肺囊虫肺炎。The most common is Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia.

肺炎的长期折磨,使他变得很虚弱。The siege of pneumonia debilitated him completely.

贝尔蒙先生今天在医院因肺炎病逝了。Mr. Behrman died of pneumonia today in the hospital.

贝尔曼先生今天在医院里得肺炎去世了。Mr. Behrman died of pneumonia today in the hospital.

母亲气喘,而胸透表明母亲患有肺炎。She was wheezing, and a chest X-ray showed pneumonia.

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非靶区无肺炎发生。No significant pneumonia happened on non-target areas.

脓毒症和肺部感染是其主要致病因素。Sepsis and pneumonia were the most common risk factors.

流感疫苗只预防流感引起的肺炎。Flu vaccine only protects against flu-related pneumonia.