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孩子们还是每天捣蛋。Kids misbehave every day.

当它们无理取闹时,狗比猫更麻烦。Cats are less of a bother than dogs when they misbehave.

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你家的狗在独处时是否表现出焦虑和不乖的行为?Does your dog seem anxious and misbehave when left alone?

如果你再不守规矩,就会被赶出屋去。If you misbehave yourself once more, you'll be driven out of room.

表现不好的孩子往往有太多空闲时间。Children who misbehave often have too much idle time on their hands.

如果孩子们没有更好的事情可做,他们就会欺压弱小,行为不端。Kids bully and misbehave more when they aren’t busy with better things.

如果你再不守规矩,就把你赶出屋去。If you misbehave yourself one more time, you'll be driven out of the room.

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由于种种原因,这些程序可能会失败、挂起或行为异常。For various reasons, these programs might fail, hang up, or otherwise misbehave.

这种权利意识对了解人们为什么在高位上会胡作非为具有关键意义。This sense of entitlement is crucial to understanding why people misbehave in high office.

如果狗不理会坏事了。“他们是不适合人类紧张或烦躁。If you ignore a dog it will misbehave too. " They are not suited to nervous or irritable humans."

马利被狗狗训练营开除后,继续胡作非为,在家里称王称霸。Kicked out of obedience school, Marley continues to misbehave and pretty much control the household.

一项新的研究发现,某种鱼在就餐时,如果雌性鱼举止不礼貌,雄性鱼会惩罚它。Males of a certain fish species will punish females when they misbehave while eating, a new study finds.

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允许孩子有过失,但是一旦没有立即让孩子意识到他的所作所为是令人不快的,那么就是在惯孩子。To allow the child to misbehave without instantly making it unpleasantly conscious of the fact would be to spoil it.

狗确实有比猫大一点的脑子,不管是在绝对数上还是在与它们的身体比例上。If it's possible to train cats, why don't we do it more often? Cats are less of a bother than dogs when they misbehave.

如果你不能给他们正面积极的关注,他们就会做一些负面的行为来获得负面的关注。And if you're not givingthem positive attention, they're going to misbehave as much as it takes to getnegative attention.

如果提醒之后,小孩继续调皮捣蛋或者无视规则。那么,你可以采用我提出的四步自律原则。If your child continues to misbehave or break a rule after this reminder then you can use my 4 Step Discipline Technique.

当他们一直要求他们得不到的东西的时候你不要妥协,如果他们犯错了就一定给予明确的惩罚措施。Do not give in when they are wanting something they cannot have and have clear and set consequences for if they misbehave.

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如果我屡教不改,我将会被送到校长室,为我的不良行为道歉,老师也会和家长联系。If I regularly misbehave in class I will be sent to the principal to explain my behaviour and my parents will be contacted.

譬如他那一次弄脏了你的衣服,吃了一顿打,从次他记在心里,不敢跟你胡闹。Like that time he got your dress dirty, FOR example. After he'd had a spanking, he remembered from then on never to misbehave around you.

看到碗“半满”的狗独处时表现得更为冷静,肯定主人会回来,而悲观的狗更容易焦虑,狂吠,行为失常。Dogs that saw the bowl as half-full were calmer when left alone, sure their owners would return, while pessimistic dogs were more likely to worry, bark and misbehave.