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我认为我不能帮它成功过冬。I don't think I could successfully overwinter it.

有些动物不需要冬眠也能过冬。Some animals can overwinter without the hibernation.

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一只小鸟正在飞往南方过冬的途中。A small bird was way the way to fly to south to overwinter.

目前还只发现工蚁和蚁后休眠越冬。So far, it is found that only workers and queens overwinter.

以成虫及幼虫在土中越冬。They overwinter in the form of adults or larvae underground.

三一只小鸟正在飞往南方过冬的途中。Three A small bird was way the way to fly to south to overwinter.

幼虫常多头聚集危害同一株沙蒿。Larvae often aggregate in one root and overwinter in stems and roots.

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新疆冬季寒冷,石榴必须埋土才能安全越冬。Pomegranate must be covered with soil to overwinter safely in Xingjiang.

在你的院子中过冬的鸟类一年365天都需要觅食。Birds that overwinter in your garden need to find food 365 days of the year.

白纹伊蚊在辽宁省能否越冬有待进一步研究。Whether Ae. albopictus can overwinter in Liaoning or not need to be studied further.

被寄生的幼虫在冻土层以下越冬,称为冬虫。Were parasitized larvae overwinter in the frozen soil layer below, known as winter worm.

目前辽些分布点的沼泽湿地都已受到不同程度的人为破坏。At present swamp wetlands there cranes overwinter have been destroyed to varying degrees.

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在越冬过程中,裸露幼虫体内高含水量和低含糖量可能是其不能正常越冬的原因。The higher water content and lower sugar content of non-cocooned larvae might cause them fail to overwinter successfully.

在病叶上越冬的夏孢子能够萌发,用越冬夏孢子接种杨树可以导致发病。The uredinia could sprout after over-winter. The poplars inoculated by overwinter urediniospores could result in diseases.

火棘等III级树种需要小环境或保护才能正常越冬并形成景观。The grade III trees like Pyracatha fortuneana need small environment or protection to overwinter normally and form the landscape.

胡萝卜斑枯病的病原菌可在种子、病残体及土壤中存活越冬,腐熟的粪肥中未分离出病原菌。Pathogens of carrot spotted blight were able to overwinter in seeds, plant residues and soils, but cann't be isolated from fermented manures.

贝尔基卡号被困于浮冰之时,他的船员们意想不到的成为第一批在南极过冬的人。When the Belgica became stuck in pack ice, her crew achieved the unintended distinction of being the first humans to overwinter in the Antarctic.

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结果表明,紫斑谷螟在赤水地区一年发生3代,以老熟幼虫在吐丝连缀茶叶形成的隧道内越冬。The results show that P. farinalis has 3 generations per year in the Chishui area, and the old larva overwinter in a tunnel made of tea leaves and silk.

初步研究表明杨叶锈病在上海无转主寄主,初侵染源为病叶上越冬的夏孢子堆。It was not found that Melampsora rust on poplars had an alternate host in Shanghai. The overwinter uredinia may be one of the preliminary infection sources.

采用市场收购、池塘越冬养殖、药物催产的方法,进行黄颡鱼人工繁殖技术研究。Use the method such as market purchasing, pool cultivating overwinter and using oxytocic to make technical study on breeding Pelteobagrus fulvdrace by manual work.