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仓促造成浪费。Haste makes Waste.

他匆忙地离开了家。He left home in haste.

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这件事不宜迟。This matter asks haste.

愚人的仓卒是没有速度。Fool's haste is no speed.

快把医生请来。Bring the doctor in haste.

这椿事很严重,不能草率从事。The matter is too grave for haste.

草率对于解决问题没有任何用处。Haste is no use of solving problem.

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草率匹配多后悔。Marry in haste and repent at leisure.

我匆忙中忘了锁门。In my haste I forgot to lock the door.

结婚太急,后悔不及。Marry yin haste and repent atl Eisure.

不要过急地处理那个问题。Don't treat the matter with undue haste.

他着急坏了,忙拉我起来。He exclaimed, and pulled me up in haste.

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忙中出错是经常的事。It is often case that haste makes waste.

那就是欲速则不达。Remember the old saw, haste makes waste.

敌军留下了仓皇退却的痕迹。The enemy's retreat left marks of haste.

我们必须尽快回到阿斯加德。We must return to Asgard with due haste.

她放肆地吻我,却并不匆忙。She kissed with abandon but without haste.

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没想到我起来得太快,弄倒了自己的椅子。In my haste standing up I knocked over my chair.

快一点,否则你又会错过那一班火车。HASTE】Make haste or you will miss the train again.

黎明追着子夜来临了,似乎匆忙得乱了阵脚。Dawn seemed to follow midnight with indecent haste.