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几个彪形大汉闻讯而至,毫不客气揍了白宙一顿。A few bruiser, even to an irreverent hit Bai Zhou.

但是要描述这次揭示实在是大不敬。But it were irreverent to describe that revelation.

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一个人在教堂里不脱帽子是无礼的。It's irreverent for a man not to take his hat off in church.

露出来了!但是要描述这次揭示实在是大不敬。It was revealed! But it were irreverent to describe that revelation.

现代主义艺术表现为即兴、兼收并蓄、不屑虔敬。Modernism in the arts was improvisational, eclectic, and irreverent.

她是个典型的女权分子,一听见人家说些不尊重妇女的话就会勃然大怒。She is a card-carrying feminist, and flares up at any irreverent remarks on womanhood.

然而同样出名的是他的争强好胜和傲慢不逊,这一形象几乎没有什么改观。Yet he is also known for his sharp elbows and irreverent style, an image he does little to dispel.

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范昂先生看见一位不速之客这般唐突无礼地闯进门来,顿时勃然大怒。Fang was consequently not a little indignant to see an unbidden guest enter in such irreverent disorder.

谁能够竟然大不敬地猜想出,他俩身上会有着同样的灼热的耻辱烙印呢!What imagination would have been irreverent enough to surmise that the same scorching stigma was on them both!

对一些认为神圣或不可侵犯之物的不敬的或亵渎的行为、态度或表达语源。An irreverent or impious act, attitude, or utterance in regard to something considered inviolable or sacrosanct.

我认为你不负责的行为,加上你不敬的态度与你的地位非常不能协调。I find your irresponsible behaviour, coupled with your irreverent attitude, quite irreconcilable with your position.

每当他毫无顾忌地评论那些身居高位的人时,他不像老头儿,倒像个调皮的孩子。He seemed less an old man than mischievous child, brimming over with irreverent comments about people in high places.

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它象纽约一样令人振奋,和巴黎一样博大精深,象香港一样多姿多彩,又如六十年代的伦敦一样榘骜不训。It is as exciting as New York, as sophisticated as Paris, as colourful as Hong Kong and as irreverent as '60s London.

他指出,“如果你准备采用健康的,自由嬉戏的教学方法,你仍然需要证明你的教学效果如何。”"If you're going to introduce healthy, irreverent merriment , you've got to deliver the goods some way, " he pointed out.

我把椅子挪过去坐下,开始两脚分开,但我突然觉得这样显得不尊重,太不拘礼节,便把两膝并拢,把双手随便地放在膝盖上。But this struck me as being irreverent and too familiar. So I put my knees together and let my hands rest loosely on them.

那句不逊的“该死的,你在哪儿”,不仅表现出了澳大利亚文化中狂野的本性,同时也激发了观众去澳大利亚旅游的兴趣。And the irreverent phrase “Where the bloody hell are you?” communicates something of the boisterous nature of Australian culture.

淘宝有着和硅谷公司相似的不强调尊卑的文化,所有这里取绰号是一项传统。It is tradition at the Taobao division, which has an irreverent culture akin to that of Silicon Valley firms, to take on nicknames.

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我们还驶过两条腹部朝天的死鲸鱼,有人提议把它们拖到斯瓦尔巴群岛上去当熊饵。We also pass two dead whales, belly up on the surface, prompting an irreverent suggestion that we tow them to Svalbard to use as bear bait.

人们购买这些另类的纪念品,并没有任何反保皇党的意思,而更像是现代流行文化中一种带有嘲弄意味的表现。No one is making a grand anti-royalist statement with these purchases – it's more a sign of the irreverent tone of contemporary pop culture.

他将自己的一生都奉献给了桑巴乐和他的爱人,直到一场致命的疾病夺走他的生命。Between declarations of love and samba duels, the irreverent composer follows an intense rhythm until an overpowering illness complicates his life.