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什么叫做先锋队的作用?What is a vanguard role?

我还知道伊朗妇女站在运动的前列。Iran’s women stand in the vanguard.

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他们将先锋队的任何变化。They will be vanguard of any change.

部队前锋昨晚已经出发。The vanguard units started off last night.

万家只是华润控股的品牌之一。Vanguard is just one of the brands his company controls.

真的猛士,将更奋然而前行。Really however the fierce gentleman, will exert the vanguard.

在利比亚,法国充当了军事打击的急先锋。In Libya, the French acted as the vanguard of a military strike.

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在前锋的后面是38列纵队,护卫着38辆四马战车。Behind the vanguard were 38 columns guarding 38 four-horse chariots.

他是打前锋前卫出身的,放在后卫线上是一种浪费。He is the vanguard of the avantgarde who, on the back line is a waste.

全球高级领导者教练领域的先驱与权威者。He is the vanguard and luminary of global instructor of senior leaders.

维佳物流是国际知名的奥思集团旗下之分支机构。Vanguard Logistics Services is a subsidiary of the OTS Logistics Group.

在灵活运用的力量中,外交将是我们外交政策的前卫。With smart power, diplomacy will be the vanguard of our foreign policy.

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你想感受到一种当代东西的一流前沿图景吗?Do you desire to sense the contemporary first-class and vanguard prospect?

这家公司堪称废除传统等级制度的先锋。Organizationally, it is the vanguard of a dismantled traditional hierarchy.

先锋号在二月十四号返回苏格兰法斯兰的基地。HMS Vanguard returned to its home base at Faslane in Scotland on February 14.

对“肩负历史使命”的“前卫艺术”他们也表示出不屑和反感。They disdain the vanguard art which supposedly shouldered historical mission.

在新中国成立以来历次重大抢险救灾中,中国军队都发挥了骨干和突击队作用。Chinese military has been the backbone and vanguard in past relief operations.

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在美国,基督徒女性充当选举权运动的先锋。And in America, Christian women stood at the vanguard of the suffrage movement.

努力实干是增盛塑胶人的基本工作态度。Making great effort to do actually is the basic work attitude of vanguard robot.

中国爱好和平,中国的同盟国与中国共同抵御任何敌对的入侵者。Peace loving China and its allies commit to vanguard against any hostile enemies.