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是我没拿他们当回事?Had I no regard for them?

后人对我们将如何看待?How will futurity regard us?

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我就当作你在夸我吧。I regard as you in the Kua I.

我认为这是强人所难。I regard it as an imposition.

不要把幻想看成事实。Don't regard fantasies as truth.

唐戈朗是这方面的前锋。Tanggelang forward in this regard.

我们都很尊重陈同志。We all regard comrade Chen highly.

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课本只不过是救命稻草I regard these books as safety nets.

必须注意群众意见。Regard must be had to public opinion.

这封邮件是关于新项目的。This is in regard to the new project.

有些人认为中医不科学。Some people regard TCM as non-science.

我们把他当做活雷锋。We all regard him as a living Lei Feng.

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我把他视为最知己的朋友。I regard him as the best friend of mine.

总之一句话,这些都是我对恺威的一点小小的心意和祝福。In a word, it's all my regard to Hawick.

日本在这方面也处于领先地位。Japan is leading the way in this regard.

凡人用过的视为“废物”。Laic regard as with what pass " trash ".

请注明是否需要夹持器。Please regard that a holder is required.

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有的人把交朋友当作是逢场作戏。Some people regard friendship as a game.

我们认为这些数据是很有用的。We regard these din thea as very useful.

而是我要证明他们是舛误的。It was with regard to proving them wrong.