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你什么时候去了教堂?When were you at church?

我做这到我的教堂。I do this thru my church.

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这座教堂始建于1173年。The church dates to 1173.

教堂的窗户粉碎了。The church windows shatter.

穷得像教堂里得耗子一样。/家徒四壁。As poor as the church mouse.

写作也是我服侍教会。I write to serve the church.

我是一个一直生活在教会中的人。I'm a "lifer" in the church.

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教堂于1979年重新开放。The church reopened in 1979.

他们喜欢教堂集会。They enjoyed church socials.

然后去圣马修教堂。Then to St. Matthew's Church.

圣蒙哥教堂,格拉斯哥Church of Saint Mungo, Glasgow

他应该从教堂回来了。He should be back from church.

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从现在开端参加圆香教。Join the Church of Madoka now.

您宥否需要每周到教堂?。Must you attend church weekly?

我们的房子紧靠教堂。Our house abuts on the church.

我们会一起去教堂吗?That we go to church together?

教堂的钟敲响了七点。The church clock chimed seven.

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这所教堂始建于1173年。The church dates back to 1173.

这座教堂的历史可追溯到1173年。This church dates back to 1173.

这座教堂建于1256年。This church dates back to 1256.