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印象深刻的乘客?Memorable customers?

这是一个难忘的周未。It was a memorable week not.

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让品牌名过目难忘。Make your brand name memorable.

这的确是个永志不忘的夜晚。Indeed it was a memorable night.

照过最后一张相片。Are taken a memorable picture of.

我觉得是很有必要记住这些内容。I think they are quite memorable.

它们都是你回味无穷的礼物。They are all the memorable gifts.

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⒕最值得囬忆的是什么?。What is the most memorable thing?

明媚的,忧伤的,开朗的,难忘的。Bright, dolorous, sonsy and memorable.

至少那些都是令我难忘的。At least that’s what’s memorable to me.

品牌描述应该简单和容易记忆。Taglines should be simple and memorable.

仙人掌可能是沙漠中最令人难忘的。Cactuses are probably the most memorable.

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还有个让人难忘但又容易的举动就是刷墙。Another memorable yet easy move – painting.

单纯的莪,总是为罘值得留恋的爱情而哭泣。I was not always simple, memorable love cry.

记得,咱们的口号需要是既上口又好记。Make sure our slogan is catchy and memorable.

协调的和声易记而难忘。The harmonized chorus is catchy and memorable.

那是哥儿俩一生中值得纪念的一天。It was a memorable day in the life of the twins.

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我看著窗外,回顾那难忘的日子。As I look out, I look back to that memorable day.

你还记得那些难忘的手术吗?Is there any memorable surgery that you remember?

爱错我也不放痛就痛到难忘。Wrong I love the pain the pain to hold memorable.