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这些肉。The meat.

吃一些肉。Have some meat.

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香蕉是肉吗?。Bannanas are meat?

男子汉都该吃肉Real men eat meat.

为了你的肉蛋筒。For your meat cone.

这块肉已经腐坏发臭了。The meat has stunk.

我将边浇油边烤这块肉。I'll baste the meat.

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他们买新鲜肉。They buy fresh meat.

我们常做肉菜。We always cook meat.

这是刚进的肉吗?Is that meat just in?

这肉是刚进的货吗?。Is this meat just in?

肉要烧焦了。The meat will scorch.

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然后我们准备肉。Then we prepare meat.

他们卖新鲜肉。They sell fresh meat.

但这个肉是否安全?But is this meat safe?

这肉已变质了。The meat has gone bad.

李萍喜欢吃肉吗?Dose Li Ping like meat?

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新鲜肉最好。Fresh meat is the best.

他吃被煮的肉。He ate the cooked meat.

肉类不含纤维。Meat contains no fiber.