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常常与黑品诺联系在一起。Frequently associated with Pinot Noir.

经典的黑色电影蛇蝎美人形象。The classic film noir femme fatale image.

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黑比诺也可以生产良好的气酒。Pinot Noir also makes good sparkling wine.

所以俄勒冈的皮诺奴瓦和法国勃艮第的一样好。So, Oregon's Pinot Noir is as good as Burgundy's.

而在葡萄品种上则纯粹只有黑皮诺和夏多纳。Our grape varieties are solely Pinot Noir and Chardonnay.

百叶窗帘在她身上投下朦胧的黑色阴影。The slatted window-shade casts a film noir shadow on her.

这是黑品诺或雷司令葡萄酒中一种渴望得到的性质。A desirable quality in wines such as Pinot Noir or Riesling.

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黑皮诺之类的气候敏感型红葡萄酒也会陷入困境。Climate-sensitive reds such as pinot noir are also in trouble.

黑皮诺红葡萄酒是一种质感平滑、风味十足的红酒。Château des Charmes Pinot Noir is a smooth, full-flavoured red wine.

这是一款非常典雅的贝露娃葡萄酒,是庄园的代表之作。This is a classic example of Pinot Noir grown in the Estate Vineyard.

可惜小黑羊说从相中看好像未贴墙纸一样喎!When petit Mouton Noir looked at this picture and he said " too bad!"

他们总是出现在那些糟糕的黑白影片里,作为一个愚蠢的脱身手段。They always appear in bad noir films, as the means of a stupid escape.

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黑色小说与侦探或悬疑小说又有什么区别呢?And is there a difference between noir writing and detective or mystery fiction?

越来越多的酿酒商开始接受种植黑皮诺葡萄的挑战。Increasingly, more wine-makers are taking up the challenge of growing Pinot Noir.

平衡的香味来自于酒体中灰皮诺的黑莓香以及霞多丽中的清新苹果香。Balanced by strawberries from the pinot noir and fresh apples from the Chardonnay.

有时灰比诺会与黑比诺混合,用来增加其醇厚和清爽的感觉。Sometimes it is used to add richness and to lighten, when blended with Pinot Noir.

战争的序曲与余殃给那些经典的“黑色电影”暗流提供了源泉。That war, its prologue and aftermath, supplied the dark undercurrent of classic film noir.

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加州红葡萄酒是复杂的葡萄酒,优雅而温情脉脉。Pinot Noir is one of those perplexing wines it is classy elegant and at times a little shy.

不过,有关葡萄酒和气候变化的质疑不仅仅是黑比诺的品质。But there is much more to the question of wine and climate change than the character of pinot noir.

这款气泡酒带有新鲜的热带水果的香气如香蕉、菠萝的香味。并具有柔和的奶油味。The rich fruit flavours of this Pinot Noir Chardonnay are complemented by a soft creamy complexity.