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她觉得他的胡须太扎人。She finds his beard too bristly.

他粗硬的红头发根根直立。His bristly red hair was standing on end.

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他挠了挠那没长多长头发的脑袋,放开了我。He scratched his bristly head, and let me go.

高尔的头发短而硬,胳膊很长如猩猩一般。Goyle has short, bristly hair and long, gorilla-ish arms.

高楼林立的都市生活使人们更渴望亲近自然。The urbanism with bristly high-rise makes people longs to be close to nature more.

寻找的重要特征是末端被咀嚼时变得粗糙的一种木头。The important feature to look for was a wood that became bristly when chewed on the end.

金发杰克的脸藏在林立的橘色胡须后,说话也很难懂。Ginger Jack's face was hidden behind a bristly orange beard, and his speech was unintelligible.

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该区周围高级写字楼林立,是广州市繁华市中心之一。The area surrounded by bristly exclusive office buildings, it is one of the bustling city centre.

上校身材高大皮肤粗糙,当你靠近他时,就会闻到淡淡的辣根酱味儿。The Colonel was huge and bristly , and when you were near to him he smelled faintly of horseradish.

环顾阿里的四面,竞争对手林立,不断地蚕食着阿里的市场。Look around A in all around, the competitor is bristly , ceaseless cutworm is feeding the market in A.

刚毛在一些生物的身体或附肢上任何硬直的或似刚毛的头发或棘。Any of the often numerous rigid or bristly hairs or spines on the bodies or appendages of some organisms.

面对种类繁多、品牌林立的地板市场,如何选择一款适合于自己家的地板呢?Face the floor market with phyletic and various, bristly brand, how to choose to agree with the floor of own home?

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眼睛纯粹是淡绿色的,不带一点儿淡褐色,眼眶缀着浓密乌黑的睫毛,稍稍有点吊眼梢。Her eyes were pale green without a touch of hazel, starred with bristly black lashes and slightly tilted at the ends.

监动物园每周喂婴儿林立的战列舰遗弃他的母亲,在耶路撒冷的动物园2009年2月4日。The superintendent zoo weekly feeding baby bristly Battleship abandoned by his mother, in Jerusalem Zoo February 4, 2009.

目前,只涉及牛头人的小部分利益,不过如果这些长着钢毛的“猪人”侵占得太多的话,他们就必须付出代价。For now, it is a small concern for the tauren, but if the bristly "boar men" encroach too far, there will be a price to pay.

从中山路出发,喝一杯热浓浓的奶茶,街界旁林立的商店开着震耳欲聋的响音。Starting from Zhongshan Road, drink a cup of hot thick tea, bounded by bristly shop open deafen the ear with its roar sound.

不过她说话时总是面带微笑,刻意加深脸的酒窝,同时把像蝴蝶翅膀似的两圈又硬又黑的睫毛迅速地扇动起来。But she smiled when she spoke, consciously deepening her dimple and fluttering her bristly black lashes as swiftly as butterflies' wings.

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不过她说话时总是面带微笑,刻意加深脸的酒窝,同时把像蝴蝶翅膀似的两圈又硬又黑的睫毛迅速地扇动起来。But she smiled when she spoke, consciously deepening her dimple and fluttering her bristly black lashes as swiftly as butterflies’ wings.

等我接近到它旁边,已经能够看清它布满鬃毛的鼻口时,海水才淹到我的腰部,它奋力从海中向上翻跃。I was still only waist deep when I came close enough to make out the bristly whiskers on the manatee's muzzle as it thrust up out of the sea.

她们突出的吻部生有敏感刚硬的触须,牙齿长而尖利,肌肉发达的尾部可以作为自卫的武器。Sensitive, bristly whiskers line their pointed muzzles. They have very sharp teeth and long, muscular tails that can be used in self-defense.