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必须要跑操。Must run.

他必须走开”。He must go.

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我一定要赢。I must win.

我必须做那件事。I must do it.

杨必须离开。Yang must go.

当然,他必须捉奸。Yes, he must.

他一定是疯了。He must be mad.

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我一定不能哭出来。I must not cry.

我应该付她钱。I must pay her.

这必须停止。That must stop.

我一定要招人喜爱。I must be liked.

我一定要试一试。I must try them.

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一定是在做梦!Must be a dream!

你不去可不成。No, you must go.

我们必须立即行动起来”。We must act now.

是的,你必须。Yess , you must.

我非走不可,而且就要走!I must and shall!

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现在我们得走了。Now we must away.

你一定是约翰。You must be John.

我认为我们必须这样。I believe we must.