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我是一个幸运的旅行者。I’m a lucky traveler.

萨布伦是一名真正的旅行家。Thubron is a true traveler.

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“旅者”大师喊道."Traveler"! Cried the Master.

希望我策划的曼谷游会是成功的!So I want to be a traveler as well.

听到这句话,旅者似乎很高兴。That seemed to please the traveler.

其实,珀切斯是一个旅行家和游记作家。He was a traveler and a travel writer.

在日本他已经有许多「同路人」。In Japan he has many "fellow traveler."

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一个旅行者驾驶着汽车去乡村。A traveler drove a car to the countryside.

这位旅行者的经历使我们惊骇不已。The traveler thrilled us with his stories.

我和公驴打算明年结婚。I was going to marry with the man traveler.

旅行者高兴地吹了个响亮的口哨。The traveler gave a loud whistle of gladness.

马中欣是国际著名的环球旅行家。Ma Zhongxin is a world famous global traveler.

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有个旅行家来到中西部的一个小市镇。A traveler came to a small Middle Western town.

然而一个旅客却可能永远都不会再回去了。B-Whereas a traveler might not come back at all.

宽松舒适的鞋子可以成就一个快乐的旅行者。Comfy slip-on type shoes equals a happy traveler.

耶西是一个作家、工程师和世界旅行家。Jesse was an author, engineer and world traveler.

我的名字是阿尼尔,旅行者和旅游爱好者。My name is Anil , a traveler and travel enthusiast.

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那个孤独的旅行者被野狗的狂吠声给吓坏了。The lonely traveler was scared by the yip of tykes.

小比利既让我感到不再无聊,又是一个旅伴。Billy Boy was both a diversion and a fellow traveler.

这位时间旅行者会变得非常兴奋和激动。The time traveler would be vibrating with excitement.