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凯西说过会帮忙的,但她对我们食言了。Kathy said she'd help but she flaked out on us.

天花板上和墙上的灰泥不断地掉下来。The plaster flaked constantly from ceiling and walls.

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这条河上从头到尾处处都漂着一队一队的煤船。The river from end to end was flaked with coal fleets.

我曾一边写博,一边开了小差。Heck, I've flaked out on writing for my own blog before.

我想你回顾一下之前提及那我一个放我鸽子的组合。I want you guys to think back to the last set that flaked.

落上了斑斑雪霜,像十一月里的树篱矮桩。Flaked with patches of snow, as hedges sometimes in November.

油漆剥落的地方表面腐蚀最为严重。The surface corrosion was worst where the paint had flaked off.

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由米饭、煮过熟的鸡蛋、熟鱼片做成的菜。British a dish of rice and hard-boiled eggs and cooked flaked fish.

整体而言,片状和地面坚果和坚果巴特斯被广泛使用。Whole, flaked and ground nuts and nut butters are widely available.

鸡蛋葱豆饭是一碟咖喱米饭,里面有鱼片,欧芹,煮鸡蛋。Kedgeree is a dish of curried rice, flaked fish, parsley and boiled eggs.

就是说骨组织里的一小块骨头脱落了。That means a small layer of the bone flaked off and is embedded in tissue.

第二天,砾岩石已经变成了深红色,并且很容易制成片。The next day the silcrete had become a deep red colour and was easily flaked.

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因为刀片方片状只有一个,下部是完全顺利。The blades are flaked only on one side, the underside being completely smooth.

裂开的白色蛋壳剥落了,里面透出暗黄色的光。Pieces of it had flaked away and what shone through was a dull yellow in color.

这是因为角质层层外的头发纤维被破坏成片状。This is because the outer cuticle layer of the hair fiber is broken and flaked.

我想如果我问她为什么消失,她就不会给我一个站不住脚的借口了。I thought that if I asked her about why she flaked she would've given me a lame excuse anyway.

旅客们旅途十分疲乏,到达旅馆房间后很快就入睡了。Tired out by their journey,the travellers flaked out as soon as they reached their hotel room.

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雷利走进那个单间小屋,身后木门框“啪”地关上时,一团褪色的红漆应声而落。A curl of faded red paint flaked off when the wood frame slapped closed behind Raley as he stepped into the one-room cabin.

要想指头管用,手就得颤抖,不过我将剩下的蛋壳又剥掉一些,两眼直瞪着那一团黄色。It was all I could do to make my fingers work, but I got some of the rest of the shell flaked away and stared at the yellow.

你永远不该抱怨你的伙伴,他们也永远不会厌恶你或是失去前进的信心。You’ll never have to complain that your workout or business partners flaked on you or that they are getting too lazy to keep up.