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巫师把她抬回了房间。Shaman Bata Tai back to the room.

许多萨满的威能都有著精魂关键字。Many shaman powers have the spirit keyword.

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开赛前可以找一个萨满为武器祝福。And their weapons may be blessed by a shaman.

类似于萨满放置图腾的效果。Similar to the shaman totem placement results.

是个可以用巫术哄人开心的巫师。Is a person can use magic to coax happy shaman.

我曾经是个联盟圣骑,现在我玩兽人萨满。I was a paladin in Alliance, now I'm a orc shaman.

凯尔特巫医不能加入尊-斯盖斯部落。The Kelt Shaman cannot join the horde of Dun Scaith.

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很多萨满喜欢把这个次级治疗波作为自己的主要治疗手段。Many shaman make the mistake of making LHW their primary heal.

现有的圣骑士和萨满任务进行了调整和确定。Existing Paladin and Shaman quests have been tweaked and fixed.

和更新元艳萨谦的是隐在要么不恐怖!And the updated Elemental shaman ones aren't terrible now either!

蒙古族称萨满舞为“博”、“博舞”。The Mongolian ethnic group calls Shaman Dance "Bo" or "Bo Dance".

萨满和人类的圣骑士很相象,只是不能穿那么厚重的盔甲。Shaman and Paladin are human like, but it should not wear heavy armor.

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神歌是满族萨满文化研究的对象。The Spiritual Songs are the objects of studying Manchuria Shaman Culture.

其中,萨满神歌是有独特文化内涵的一个分支。In it, the Songs by shaman was a branch with unique cultural connotations.

“绝对湿度解释了其中大多数的变化,”萨门说道。"Absolute humidity conditions explain most of these changes, " Shaman said.

去看看牧师,萨满和德鲁伊论坛,都在说自己是最差的治疗。Go visit the priest, shaman or druid forums. They are all now the worst healers.

神圣骑士和恢复萨满将会得到比现在更多的精神回蓝加成。Healing paladins and shaman will benefit more from Spirit than they do currently.

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然而,像哨兵提供惠普或萨满一些掌握度提供情报。However, some masteries like Sentinel provides HP or Shaman provides intelligence.

叶跟许多强悍的灵魂做朋友,成为了史上最棒的通灵王。Yoh made friends with all of the powerful ghosts and to become the best Shaman ever.

部落里智慧的萨满知道上天给了小高梵一份与众不同的天赋。The wise shaman of the tribe understood that Little Gopher had a gift that was special.