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一辆一尘不染的出租车停在面前。A spotless cab pulled up.

保持你灵魂的纯洁光明Spotless keep thy soul and bright

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厕所里一尘不染,悄然无声。The room was spotless and silent.

浴缸、马桶、水槽洁白无暇。The tub, toilet and sink were spotless.

要有30年没有污点的服刑档案。Just have a spotless record for the last 30 years.

你的衣裳是否洗净白如雪?Are your garments spotless? Are they white as snow?

辛普森先生原来就是一位无懈可击的体面人物。Mr Sympson proved to be a man of spotless respectability.

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简,你是怎么弄的?你家的碟子总是一尘不染。Jane, how do you do this? Your plates are always spotless.

好一个银白世界,多么雄伟壮观!Look! What a spotless silvery world, how great, how magnificent!

他在办公室的行为无可指责而且没有什么不良行为记录。Her conduct in office was unimpeachable and her record is spotless.

我们也许有个不堪回首的过去,但足够幸运的是还有个洁白无瑕的未来。We may have an ugly past but luck enough we have a spotless future.

泳滩简单的房间宽敞,一尘不染,非常舒适。The beach rooms were simple spacious, spotless and very comfortable.

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以上证据乍一听起来似乎很有道理,无可挑剔。Above evidence sounds suddenly it seems that very reasonable, spotless.

即使你的过去是一团乱麻,你的未来也是一尘不染的。Regardless of how filthy your past has been, your future is still spotless.

人们开采这座石场已经几个世纪了,而后得到雪白的大理石。The quarries have been excavated5 for centuries for their spotless and pure marble.

虽然洗手间在院子里,他们的卧室可是一尘不染。They lived upstairs in spotless quarters, although the bathroom was in the backyard.

不要用有污迹或有褶皱的布草,所有布草都要是无污点、平整的。Al linen must be spotless and well pressed, do not use it if it is marked or wrinkled.

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原本一尘不染的厨房顿时烟雾迷漫,到处是黏糊糊的火箭燃料。What had been a spotless kitchen was suddenly covered in smoke and sticky rocket fuel.

火车进站时,德求罗最后检查一遍已经一尘不染的餐车。As the train pulled in, Djuro made a final inspection of the by now spotless buffet car.

含特殊界面剂,可有效将各类器皿洗洗后迅速乾水,不留痕迹,明亮洁净。Special surfactant formula delivers spotless and fast drying result for all types of ware.