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在这种消解个性的过程中,艺术可能会达到一种科学的状态。It is in this depersonalization that art may be said to approach the condition of science.

有些不安的人进行人格解体过程中,他们的自我破坏。Some disturbed people undergo a depersonalization process in which their sense of self is undermined.

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现在应当要说明的,是这个消灭个性的过程及其对于传统意识的关系。There remains to define this process of depersonalization and its relation to the sense of tradition.

教师职业自我概念在职业倦怠的情感衰竭和去人格化维度方面有调节作用。The adjusting role of teachers' professional self-concept is obvious in the emotional exhaustion and depersonalization of burnout.

而我同意尼安纳的意见,认为性革命的主要问题在于把爱非人格化。With reference to the discussions of George Leonard, the root problem of the sexual revolution is diagnosed to be the depersonalization of love.

结果高校教师在职业倦怠的情绪衰竭程度上较严重,非人性化程度一般,个人成就感较高。Results Degree of the emotional exhaustion in university teachers was normal, while their depersonalization was normal and sense of personal accomplishment was high.

结论护理部主任感知的上级社会支持能降低她们的情绪衰竭和去人格化,增进个人成就感。Conclusion The perceived supervisory social support of nursing directors can decrease emotional exhaustion and depersonalization and increase personal accomplishment.

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男女教师的情绪衰竭和非人性化程度无显著差异,女教师成就感显著高于男教师。Female teachers feel significant lower personal accomplishment than male teachers, but the gender factor is not related to the emotional exhaustion and depersonalization.

因应努力与工作满意、身心健康、「个人成就」呈显著正相关,与「情绪耗竭」、「去人格化」呈显著负相关。Coping was positively related to job satisfaction, physical and psychological health, personal achievements, and negatively related to emotional exhaustion and depersonalization.

通过比较巴赫金关于小说家应当处于“超位”的观点与乔伊斯的非个人化理论,可以看出两者之间有契合之处。A comparison of Bakhtin's view that the novelist should keep to the extraordinary position and Joyce's theory of depersonalization reveals that there is common ground between the two.

警察工作倦怠是警察长期处于工作压力下的一种极端反应,它是包括情绪耗竭、人格解体、个人成就感降低在内的一种综合症候群。Police's burnout is an extremely reaction to prolonged work stress, which includes a psychological syndrome of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization , and reduced personal accomplishment.

护士情感耗竭维度、人格解体维度存在个体差异,成就感降低维度不存在个体差异。There is an individual difference in the nurses' emotional exhaustion dimension, depersonalization dimension, whereas, there is no individual difference in lack of personal accomplishment dimension.

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工作倦怠是在以人为服务对象的职业领域中,个体的一种情感耗竭、人格解体和个人成就降低的症状。Burnout was a psychological syndrome of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization , and reduced personal accomplishment that could occur among individuals who worked with other people in some capacity.

如果人无法通过他人的反映,是无法感到自己的存在的,在没有其他人的时候,人唯一可以做的似乎就是将自己的人格分裂成多个。If people can not be reflected by others, it is impossible to feel its presence, in the absence of other people, the only people that can be done seems to be their own depersonalization into multiple.

工作倦怠表现为情绪衰竭、人格解体和个人成就感降低,将在一定程度上影响个体工作的心理状态和行为绩效水平。Job burnout is mainly expressed as Emotional exhaustion, Depersonalization and Reduced personal accomplishment, which will partly affect personal psychological state and behavioral effect of the work.

职业倦怠是指个体因为不能有效地应对工作上延续不断的各种压力,而产生的一种由情绪衰竭、低成就感以及人格解体三个方面构成的心理综合症状。Job burnout is mainly expressed as Emotional exhaustion, Depersonalization and Reduced personal accomplishment, which will partly affect personal psychological state and behavioral effect of the work.