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打扮一下跟我走。Spruce up and go with me.

把你自己打扮得整洁漂亮一点,你的样子很邋遢。Spruce yourself up a fit-you look a mess.

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比我还早到,先到云杉林了。You've reached the spruce woods earlier than me.

然后他们在家中装饰云杉树。They will then decorate a spruce tree in the home.

松、冷杉、云杉一类的树木是软木材。The softwoods are such trees as pine, fir and spruce.

只用走上几步路,我就可以置身于云杉、桦树和柳树之间。A few paces puts me among spruce and birch and willow.

云杉树屋是最早的有人游览的悬崖窑洞。Spruce Tree House is the easiest cliff dwelling to visit.

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这些昆虫能吃掉4百万英亩的云杉树。The insects have chewed up 4 million acres of spruce trees.

两块缅因云杉口香糖卖一分钱。Two pieces of the State of Maine Spruce Gum went for a penny.

赶快用绿色的饰物装扮你的家吧,或者用一些室内盆景。Spruce up your home with green accessories including houseplants.

IBM的蓝杉计划成立只有5个来月。Blue Spruce is a project within IBM that is only about 5 months old.

约翰·柯蒂斯用云杉树液做出了美国第一个包装口香糖。John Curtis created the first American packaged gum using spruce sap.

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锡特卡云杉飞机的首选类型的建筑木材。Sitka Spruce is the preferred type of wood for aircraft construction.

再加些可口的调味品,让你的家常午餐更漂亮。Spruce up your homemade lunch with some tasty extras, like condiments.

他人生前五年的生活是在史普鲁斯街的一个白色小屋中度过的。He spent his first five years in a little white house on Spruce Street.

所以,做棵云杉吧,因为你希望能在职业生涯中抵达新的高度。So, be a spruce -- because you want to reach new heights in your career.

譬如,内布拉斯加州的“州树”是三叶杨,阿拉斯加的“州树”则是北美云杉。The "state tree" for Nebraska is cottonwood , for Alaska is Sitka Spruce.

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工作得关键钚再于妳选择叻云杉而钚湜橡树。The job isn't hinging on whether you choose to be a spruce versus an oak.

吴建中,物美超市的董事长,认为中国商店需要改善形象。Wu Jianzhong, Wumart's chairman, thinks Chinese stores need to spruce up.

吴建中,物美超市的董事长,认为中国商店需要改善形象。Wu Jianzhong, Wumart’s chairman, thinks Chinese stores need to spruce up.