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接踵而来的是一场短暂的骂战。A short verbal battle follows.

口说无凭。Verbal statements are no guarantee.

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它的言辞表达很清晰。Its verbal expression was very clear.

空言无补。A mere verbal statement is of no help.

而且是通常是口头表演。And it's usually a verbal performance.

可是,所谓的“舌战群儒”到底是怎么一回事呢?What is exactly the "verbal fight with scholars"?

他用连结体诗句来表意。He permits enjambment to become the verbal medium.

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基本上这算是一种电子型的言语攻击。It's basically a verbal attack in electronic form.

中国按照惯例提出了口头抗议。China has responded with pro forma verbal protests.

为了引发舌战,还是妥协吧。Compromise if you have to, to avoid verbal battles.

与考官一对一的口头考试,verbal exams on a one-to-one basis with an examiner

你犯了一个又一个的语言错误。All you do is make one verbal mistake after another.

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你既然已经做了决定,就相当于是口头契约。You've already decided, it's like a verbal contract.

费密的见解不仅是词句上的假设。Fermi's suggestion was more than a verbal hypothesis.

最安全的方式就是点头,并给予口头称呼。The safest form is to nod and give a verbal salutation.

然后瑞宝会等着您去说出口头命令。PLEO rb will then look at you to say the verbal command.

这些字大约相当于150本中等篇幅的书。The verbal equivalent of about 150 average-length books!

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语言能力严重欠缺的未受过教育的人。Untaught people whose verbal skills are grossly deficient.

想免费自己从一个包埋口头情况?Want to free yourself from an entrapping verbal situation?

赵子庚笑笑,毫不在意并以言语刺激宇文。Zhao Zigeng smiled, and did not care to verbal stimuli "."