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位于左侧中部的肾门处有一些脂肪组织。The hilum at the mid left contains some adipose tissue.

肺鳞状细胞癌由肺门向胸膜扩散的又一例子。This is another squamous cell carcinoma that extends from hilum to pleura.

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左侧的同侧结肠应被移开暴露肾门。On either side, the ipsilateral colon is mobilized to expose the renal hilum.

并见增粗迂曲的肺门血管与病灶相连。There were thick and round blood vessels of lung between the tumor and hilum.

术中,分别于胰藏尾部及脾门处发现囊肿的病灶。During the operation, we found the cysts in pancreatic tail and splenic hilum.

右下有肺动脉和支气管的部位是肺门。The hilum is seen at the lower right with radiating pulmonary arteries and bronchi.

假种皮一种肉质的,通常色彩光亮的种子皮,由种脐或。A fleshy, usually brightly colored cover of a seed, arising from the hilum or funiculus.

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方法在根治性切除肺部肿瘤的同时,采用肺门神经彻底切断术治疗支气管哮喘。Methods Lung hilum denervation was performed for asthma during radical resection of lung cancer.

未成年在正规医院打脐钉会不会要监护人陪同或签字之类的啊?Minor can the hammer that hit hilum want guardian to accompany or sign in normal hospital of and so on ah?

实际上这是一个由于气管旁肿块而引起的肺门增大。He is too old to hae a large thymus and, in fact, has an enlarged right hilum with paratracheal adenopathy.

实际上这是一个由于气管旁肿块而引起的肺门增大。He is too old to have a large thymus and, in fact, has an enlarged right hilum with paratracheal adenopathy.

明显纵隔、肺门结构变形可视为手术禁忌症。Obvious deformity of the mediastinal structures and the hilum is a contraindication for lung cancer surgery.

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目的介绍常温下阻断肝门切肝治疗肝癌的手术技巧。Objective To introduce operative skill of liver resection by blocking hilum of liver under normal temperature.

结果显示离体人胎儿脐动脉有良好的顺应性良好的耐压性。The result shows artery of fetal from body person hilum has good acclimation the compression sex with good sex.

一旦夹紧肾门,用J钩电烙器在周围切开肾包膜。Once the renal hilum is clamped, the J-hook electrocautery is used to circumferentially incise the renal capsule.

输尿管和性腺静脉于腰大肌的前外侧被整体提起朝向肾门切除。The ureter and gonadal ein packet are dissected en bloc and lifted antero- laterally off the psoas muscle towards the renal hilum.

输尿管和性腺静脉于腰大肌的前外侧被整体提起朝向肾门切除。The ureter and gonadal vein packet are dissected en bloc and lifted antero-laterally off the psoas muscle towards the renal hilum.

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受体手术采取不断肌肉的侧胸切口进胸,钝性分离肺门结构。Muscle-sparing incision was adopted in recipient lung operations. Blunt dissection was carried out during dissect hilum of left lung.

对21份紫圆茄果实的主要性状和果脐面积进行了相关和通径分析。The correlation and path analysis of 5 main fruit agronomic characters and hilum size in 21 eggplant cultivars and lines were studied.

方法对46例单纯肺门纵隔淋巴结肿大患者行胸部CT及增强扫描,分析影像表现。Methods 46 cases singlet hilum of lung and mediastinal lymphadenectasis were analyzed by normal chest CT and enhanced scanning of chest.