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你们有很多机会。You can have multiple entries.

所有參赛作品将不获退还。Entries submitted will not be returned.

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我们现在具备了添加条目的能力。We now have the ability to add entries.

每埸赛事参赛名额400名。Entries limited to 400 runners per race.

这词典有十四万多条目。This dictionary has over 140000 entries.

今天的词条数目超过了以往任何时候。It includes more entries today than ever.

在高端内存中存储页表条目Storing page-table entries in high memory

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这本词典收词3万多条。This dictionary has over 30, 000 entries.

数据条目匹配与重复项消除Matching and de-duplication of data entries

这个字典有六万字。This dictionary has sixty thousand entries.

按照这种说法,有两个项是可以改变的。With that said, two entries can be altered.

显示机器可读临床条目Displaying machine-readable clinical entries

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它将改写您前面添加的条目。It overwrites the entries you added earlier.

如栏位不够请影印本表格。Please photocopy this form for more entries.

这本词典共收词8万余条。The dictionary contains over 80,000 entries.

不应直接编辑这些条目。These entries should not be edited directly.

其中一个登山口在阳明大学里面。One of its entries is in Yangming university.

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应该进一步研究这些条目。These entries should be further investigated.

微博客指的是条目很短的博客。A Microblog is a blog with very short entries.

使用这些列和行条目添加一个表。Add a table with these column and row entries.