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文火熬出麦芽糖。A soft fire make sweet malt.

那是蟒蛇牌麦芽酒吗?Is that Anaconda Malt Liquor ?

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一种由麦乳精制成的奶昔。A milkshake made with malt powder.

淡黄色,有麦芽香味,无霉烂。Flaxen, malt fragrance, no mildew.

我坚持认为慢工出细活。I insist a soft fire makes sweet malt.

我从餐具柜里取出一瓶自己收藏的最好的麦芽威士忌。I got a bottle of my best malt out of the sideboard.

佩里告诉我,科尔先生从来不沾麦芽酒。Perry tells me that Mr. Cole never touches malt liquor.

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“用单一的麦芽来代替甜酒,”他鼓励说。“Take a single malt instead of a dessert wine, ” he urges.

苏格兰酒吧提供了一个选择,超过70的单麦芽威士忌。Scotch Bar offers a selection of over 70 single malt whiskeys.

啤酒是一种发酵麦芽形成的低度酒精饮料。Beer is a low-alcohol beverage obtained by fermentation of malt.

其主要是以碎米和麦芽为原料,采用糖化和发酵的工艺方法。Broken rice and malt are made use as its principal raw materials.

它们是苏格兰低地纯麦威士忌。Glenkinchie and Rosebank are Lowlands single malt Scotch whiskies.

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焖约三十分钟后盛起,于鸡身涂麦芽糖。Stew the chicken for 30 minutes. Remove and brush it with malt sugar.

富硒小麦芽的干燥采用70℃度以下分段干燥法。The rich in Se malt was gradually dried at the temperature below 70℃.

司机嘴里有红马牌啤酒的味道,但他看起来还足够清醒。There’s Red Horse Malt Liquor on his breath, but he seems sober enough.

帝霖与宁夏迦南美地酒庄合作,将爱尔兰单一麦芽威士忌放入红酒桶中陈年。Teeling teams with Kanaan to age Irish single malt in its red wine barrels.

主要研究了麦芽根中核酸酶的提取方法。The methods of nuclease extraction from malt root were studied in this paper.

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大麦中的热稳定蛋白对麦芽以及成品啤酒的质量有着重要的作用和影响。Heat-stable proteins of barley are essential for the quality of malt and beer.

波罗的原始啤酒有独具的黑面包微苦味道和蕉糖麦芽香味。This is a dark beer with harmonious flavor of bread and aroma of caramel malt.

等我考完了试,我要买一瓶麦乳精去看您,再次向您道歉。I will take you a tin of powdered malt extract and apologize to you once again.