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但是证据是确凿的。But the evidence is unmistakable.

但是,它也明显带有斯通的风格。But there are also unmistakable Stone-isms.

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享受每一时、每一刻。An unmistakable ability to enjoy each moment.

中国驻南联盟使馆有准确无误的标识。The Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia has unmistakable markings.

尽管如此,重绘中国的经济地图是必然的。Still, the redrawing of China’s economic map is unmistakable.

虽然光线是漫射开来的,那一点点光亮的存在却是确凿无误的。THE rays are diffuse, but the specks of light are unmistakable.

屎尿散发出的恶臭弥漫在空中。A strong unmistakable stench of urine and excreta filled the space.

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他说不清楚鹦鹉是什么或者连不会认错的鸵鸟也不知道。He could not say what a parrot or even the unmistakable ostrich was.

是的,就是这些,一只老猎犬身上明白无误的标记。Yes, they were all there, the unmistakable marks of a hunting hound.

它与黄金嵴和臀部和鲜红的身体无误。It is unmistakable with its golden crest and rump and bright red body.

碳价要定得足够高才能对企业发出一个明白无误的信号。It needs to be high enough to send an unmistakable signal to business.

这个过程引出精致无误的特有茶香。This process elicits a flavour that's both exquisite and unmistakable.

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当碱金属光谱显示出不容怀疑的双线结构时,是令人惊奇的。It was surprising when the alkali spectra showed unmistakable doublets.

但是变化的方向是毫无疑问的如果你以一个长期的视野看问题。But the direction of change is unmistakable if you take the longer view.

他通常使用邋遢风格的纹理背景和清楚无误的版式。His uses of grungy textured backgrounds and typography are unmistakable.

她的美是一望而知的,只有艺术家才会倾倒的。She was beautiful with that unmistakable beauty that only artists delight in.

比约定时间晚20分钟,她确是来了,令人失望的是她并没有易容,很容易就能在人群中辨别出来。When she does arrive – 20 minutes late – she is, disappointingly, unmistakable.

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即使今天也不会有人弄错天体对一周内的七天的影响。Even today, the influence of the heavens on the days of the week is unmistakable.

他掌握了无可置疑的证据,可以证实有一个历史事实是伪造的。He had held in his hands unmistakable proof of the falsification of a historical fact.

奥巴马在亚洲八天的巡访后,心中有个幽魂在飘荡无误。THE spectre looming over Barack Obama's eight-day swing through Asia was unmistakable.