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马克思主义相信物质是第一性的。Marxism believes in the primacy of matter.

奥巴马说,这事关美国在世界的首要地位。He said America's "primacy in the world" is at stake.

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0酸、钴盐等,服务至上、诚信为本。acid, cobalt salt, the primacy of service, integrity-based.

中国和印度认识到维护世界和平的首要意义。China and India recognized the primacy of maintaining international peace.

有人将艺术家的意图放在首要位置。There are those who put primacy on the intentions of the artist or artists.

首先,阶级作为首位意识必须被提升为个人主义的解毒剂。First, the primacy of class must be promoted as an antidote to individualism.

俄罗斯和巴西的领导人也对美元独尊表达了担忧。Leaders in Russia and Brazil also expressed concerns about the dollar's primacy.

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美国人最流行的3P组合——两个男人和一台Xbox游戏机,这才是安全的。The primacy of America's most popular threesome, two dudes and an Xbox, is safe.

美国在500强名单上失去领头羊地位的原因有很多。The United States primacy on the Top500 list has slipped for a number of reasons.

有趣之处总是在于彼此关连,而非此胜于彼。What is interesting is always interconnection, not the primacy of this over that.

当2008年金融危机开始时,这后一个意义被放到了首位。Ever since the onset of the crisis in 2008, this latter sense has assumed primacy.

他维护教宗权力,并建立罗马教宗有统治教会事务的权力。He maintained papal authority and established Roman primacy in ecclesiastical affairs.

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在中国,我们的代表处分布于上海,北京,厦门,广州,成都和泉州。In China, Primacy has offices in Shanghai, Beijing, Xiamen, Guangzhou, Chengdu and Quanzhou.

上海、广州和北京由于地区性城市首位度的作用而成为我国进行国际化的首批城市。Shanghai, Guangzhou and Beijing are the first group globalizing cities because of their primacy.

美国对中国的根本曲解以及中国在亚洲举足轻重的地位注定了1905和2010美国的失败。A fundamental misreading of China and its primacy in Asia doomed both the 1905 and 2010 missions.

它们也不能再继续牺牲公众的利益来给给股东分配利润。Neither can they continue to give shareholder's interest primacy above the interests of the public.

父母不为各种享受和权利的欲望分心,孩子才是他们的生活中最重要的。Parents, undistracted by the lust for luxury and status, accorded their children primacy in their lives.

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人类的理性是在人类千百年的生产、生活、实践中凝结成的,人类理性的第一功能就是实用理性。Human reason is formed in thousands years of work, and therefore the primacy function of it is practical.

最后,任何对于过去半个世纪历史的真诚回顾,都无法回避美国主导地位的下降趋势。Finally, any honest accounting of the past half-century must acknowledge the downside of American primacy.

坐拥武装的不同派别彼此对立,全都声称自己为推翻卡扎菲立下首功,埋下了引发新一轮冲突的可能性。Well-armed rival brigades each claim primacy in toppling Qaddafi, raising the potential for fresh conflicts.