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我只是…我就像喜欢猎犬那样喜欢你。I mean, I like you the way I like basset hounds.

两个女孩,在彼得尔大街上悠闲的遛狗。There are two, walking a basset down Beadel Street.

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我只是…我就像喜欢猎犬那样喜欢你。I just mean- I mean, I like you the way I like basset hounds.

一不留神,我家的腊肠和巴吉度生出了一个混血种。Accidentally, my Dachshund and Basset Hound gave birth to a mongrel.

好吧,来看看这件皮质龙背包吧,它是乌克兰的鲍勃巴赛特制作的。Well then check out this leather dragon backpack made by Bob Basset of Ukraine.

我对气味有一种疯狂的感知能力。就像一只短腿猎犬,我就像一个5英尺高的短腿猎犬。I have an insane sense of smell. Like a basset hound. I'm like a 5ft basset hound.

亚特兰大一位读者在信中说,有次他带着七岁大的巴塞特猎犬去参加婚礼。One Atlanta reader wrote about taking along his seven-year-old Basset hound when he traveled to a wedding.

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两条短短的罗圈腿,一头又长又乱的姜黄色头发,一双肿胀充血的眼睛,使得他看上去像一只短腿猎狗那样愁苦。He had short, bandy legs, long straggly ginger hair and bloodshot, baggy eyes that gave him the doleful look of a basset hound.

另一方面,一些知名的沙发土豆包括犬斗牛犬,巴吉度猎犬,松狮犬,罗威和圣伯纳德。On the other hand, some well-known canine couch potatoes include the Bulldog, Basset Hound, Chow Chow, Rottweiler and Saint Bernard.

罗里,44岁,非常衷爱自己的猎犬温斯顿,他早安排好了,在自己去世的时候,温斯顿的骨灰要与自己一同下葬。Ron Lee, 44, is so committed to his basset hound, Winston, that he's made arrangements to be buried with Winston's ashes when he dies

贝吉格里芬凡丁犬是一种嗅觉猎犬,培养目的是用来在崎岖艰难的芬凡丁地区捕捉小型猎物。The Petit Basset Griffon Vendéen is a scent hound developed to hunt small game over the rough and difficult terrain of the Vendéen region.

巴吉度猎犬具有下列几种显著的特点,巴吉度猎犬是一种非常优秀的痕迹追踪犬,可以在非常复杂的地形条件下工作。The Basset Hound possesses in marked degree those characteristics which equip it admirably to follow a trail over and through difficult terrain.

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在调查是什么原因导致这场灾难的过程中,调查人员将焦点放在两名利比亚特工,即阿卜杜拉·巴塞特·阿里·迈格拉希和阿明·哈里法·费希迈的身上。During the inquiry into what caused the disaster, investigators focused on two Libyan agents, Abdel Basset Ali al-Megrahi and Lamin Khalifah Fhimah.

贝吉格里芬凡丁犬是一种嗅觉猎犬,培养目的是用来在崎岖艰难的芬凡丁地区捕捉小型猎物。The Petit Basset Griffon Vendéen is a French scent hound developed first and foremost to hunt small game over the rough and difficult terrain of the Vendéen region.

利比亚人迈格拉希最近因即将死于癌症而被苏格兰释放后在利比亚受到英雄式的欢迎。Gadhafi, a controversial figure, has come under international criticism recently for the hero's welcome in Libya of convicted Lockerbie bomber Abdel Basset al-Megrahi who was released from a U.