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我很想念标准列日和那座城市。I miss Standard and the city of Liege.

从现在开始我必须专注于标准烈日的比赛。From now on, I can focus on Standard Liege again.

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他们之后搬到了列日,希望能让他在那里得到更好的治疗。They moved to Liège in the hope of getting better treatment.

他们说没希望了,”尼古拉斯在列日的公寓里说。They said there was no hope, " said Nicolaes at her flat in Liège.

布莱克伍德坐在一张高背椅上,“为着荣誉的缘故,我必须问问,我的主君怎样了?”Blackwood settled in a high-backed chair. "For honor's sake I must ask about my liege lord."

比利时东北部的一座城市,位于列日以北。是商业和工业中心。人口',808。A city of northeast Belgium north of Liège. It is a commercial and industrial center. Population, ', 808.

扎卡鲁姆的牧师们和坎多拉斯的公民开始注意到他们君主身上发生的怪异变化。The priests of Zakarum and the citizenry of Khanduras recognized the disturbing change within their liege.

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这位比利时人回到了他的祖国,迎来阿森纳欧冠小组赛开幕战与标准列日比赛。The Belgian returns to his homeland for Arsenal's opening Champions League Group H match with Standard Liege.

当然,现在比利时的安德莱赫特和标准列日也都对签下他很感兴趣。But there is also interest in Belgium to sign him permanently with both Anderlecht and Standard Liege said to be keen.

今晚标准列日在欧冠联赛对阵阿森纳将没有他们的塞尔维亚球星约万诺维奇。Standard Liege will be without Serbian star Milan Jovanovic for their clash with Arsenal in the UEFA Champions League.

这项实验包含剑桥市Addenbrooke医院和比利时人民附属医院的16位病人。The trial involved 16 patients at Addenbrooke's Hospital in Cambridge and the University Hospital of Liege in Belgium.

盗贼大师行会本质上是为国家服务的情报中心。Master Thieves' Guild house is essentially a sort of intelligence headquarters that works in liege with the noble court.

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利物浦和AC米兰欲展开对比利时中场好手阿克塞尔·维瑟尔的争夺之战,目前这名球员正效力于标准列日队。Liverpool and AC Milan are in a battle to sign the Belgian midfielder Axel Wistel who currently plays for Standard Liege.

同时,比利时中场费来宁新签了一份合同,这意味着他也不会来到老特拉福德了。Meanwhile, midfielder Marouane Fellaini has ruled out a move to Old Trafford by signing a new contract with Standard Liege.

据天空体育新闻了解利物浦几乎接近与标准列日前锋约瓦诺维奇签下预约合同。Sky Sports News understands Liverpool are close to agreeing a pre-contract deal with Standard Liege striker Milan Jovanovic.

前标准烈日前锋约万表示,很感谢霍奇森最终达成了转会,希望能够给他留下深刻印象。Ex-Standard Liege forward Jovanovicis grateful that Hodgson decided to conclude the deal and he wants to impress his new manager.

Linux和他的学生都是Liege里非常顽强批评者,牛顿的传记作者韦斯特福尔感觉他反应有点过激了Linus and his students at Liege were among the more tenacious critics. Newton's biographer Westfall seems to feel he was overreacting

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约万诺维奇在夏天结束与标准列日的合约,很显然他打算选择一个博斯曼转会。The Standard Liege star is out-of-contract in the summer and has made it clear he intends to take up the option of a Bosman transfer.

在哲科转会曼城之后,麦克拉伦正在积极寻找他的替身,并看中了前标准烈日队的球员。Steve McClaren was believed to be keen on replacing striker Edin Dzeko, who moved to Manchester City, with the former Standard Liege man.

法布雷加斯说,阿森纳在输给桑德兰后振作自己很重要,首先需要赢下对列日标准的比赛。By Nick Teale Cesc Fabregas says it is important for Arsenal to pick themselves up after defeat at Sunderland, starting with a win over Standard Liege.