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他的眼球充血。His eyeballs are congested.

他的喉咙被痰堵住了。His throat congested with phlegm.

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我们的天空是世界上最拥挤的。Our skies are the most congested in the world.

但是,自行车道要是变得拥挤那怎么办?But, what if the bike lanes then become congested?

这条单行车道发生了交通拥堵。The traffic became congested on the one-way street.

圣诞节前百货商店里常常很拥挤。Department stores are often congested before Christmas.

婴儿鼻子塞住,透不过气来。The baby couldn't breathe because its nose was congested.

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上图为拉各斯一条拥挤的街道向地平线延展。Above, a congested street in Lagos sprawls to the horizon.

在人口稠密的地区,交叉培训可使人们进行互相帮助。Cross-training allows people to assist in congested areas.

其拥挤的人口也创下了12750人每每平方英里的记录。Its congested population hits 12, 750 people per square mile.

当争执变得更加激烈的时候,他因气愤而涨红了脸。His face congested with anger as the argument grew more heated.

也正因此,印度拥挤不堪的街道是世界上最致命的。That helps make India's congested roads the deadliest in the world.

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鼻腔的黏膜充血并且水肿。The mucous membrane of the nasal cavity are congested and edematous.

街上挤满了自行车,好像一股滚滚向前的洪流。The streets become congested with bikes, As if a flood surged forward.

该系统还预测,拥挤的道路何时将恢复正常流动。The system also predicts when a congested road will return to normal flow.

现在走了一条最堵的路,我肯定要迟到了。Now you're taking the most congested street. I'm definitely going to be late.

他们中场人数众多,以大量的地面短传相互呼应。They play with a congested midfield and with a lot of short passing on the ground.

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包括发炎、油脂过剩及毛孔堵塞等各种肌肤问题。Includes conditions associated with inflamed skin, excess oils and congested pores.

尤于它体型小巧,所以它既能通过狭窄通道,又能进入拥挤区域。Its compact size allows it to maneuver down narrow aisles and into congested areas.

对分包商壅塞、或者有害的工作环境进行协调与控制。Coordinate and control congested or hazardous working conditions of the Subcontractors.