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富山航班8号有空余座位。Toyama flights have spare seats on the 8th.

富山湾外的火山海滨闪烁着铁蓝色。A volcanic beach off Toyama Bay glows electric blue.

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富山鑫愿与您携手共创美好未来!Toyama Xin and you would like to create a better future!

富山县有很好的温泉资源,以泡温泉著称。Toyama prefecture is rich in hot spring resources, and is also known for hot spring bath.

十足的政客,他的名字叫他为富山浩一东京“县”县立竞选州长。REAL politician he is named Toyama Koichi he ran for the Prefectual governer of Tokyo "County".

每个关闭富山湾,日本,这些微小的鱿鱼十亿海岸年将聚集产卵,创造一个凉爽的灯光汇演。Each year off the coast of Toyama Bay, Japan, billions of these tiny squids will gather to spawn, creating a cool light show.

另据富山县1日透露,砺波市食物中毒事件中,店方提供的“生拌牛肉”实际上并非可用于生吃的牛肉。According to Toyama 1, said Tonami City food poisoning incident, the shop offers a "raw mix beef " is not really for eating raw beef.

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日本富山县境内的中田浦滑坡剖面中产出以立方体为主要晶形的微小黄铁矿颗粒,它们多沿滑带土中的细裂缝分布。Some special fine pyrite particles were discovered along the landslide profiles of the Nakataura Landslide located in Toyama Prefecture of Northwest Japan.

在距东京摩天大楼几小时车程的伊豆半岛和富山湾温带洋面水域,萤火虫鱿鱼云集,软珊瑚森林丛生。In the mild central waters of the Izu Peninsula and Toyama Bay, a few hours' drive from the skyscrapers of Tokyo, firefly squid swarm, and soft coral forests grow.

该店与同样发生了男孩食物中毒死亡事件的富山县砺波市的烤肉店为连锁店,福井县有关部门正就此展开调查。The store happened to the boy with the same food poisoning deaths in Tonami City, Toyama Prefecture for the barbecue restaurant chain, Fukui Prefecture authorities are investigating this.