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而我们在此也如同身处暗夜的平原And we are here as on a darkling plain

爱情只是那一小团悬浮在坟墓上的烛火。A darkling fire, faint hovering o'er a tomb.

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但是,最令人害怕的变化还是恶意软件的来源问题。But, the most darkling change still is the origin problem of baleful software.

她的银马踏过草原,来到一条黝黑的小溪,上方是星之大海。Her silver was trotting through the grass, to a darkling stream beneath a sea of stars.

有许多人都要在夜幕下降之后,才知道歌唱,传说夜莺在荆棘刺著胸口时鸣啼。A good many people never learn to sing until the darkling shadows fall. The fabled nightingale carols with his breast against a thorn.

最后,也就是距今三千多万年,太阳火红的大圆盘几乎将黑暗的天空遮蔽了十分之一。At last, more than thirty million years hence, the huge red-hot dome of the sun had come to obscure nearly a tenth part of the darkling heavens.

许多人不知道,为暴利驱使的野心家们已在暗中建立起了一个基因帝国,妄想把全人类的基因据为己有。A lot of people do not know , the aspirant that drives for sudden huge profits people already darkling built empire of a gene , covet the gene glom on to complete mankind.

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相反地,美珠是那个在暗中嫉妒的人,在一个夜晚,美珠把太英杀死了,正是数着12345松开了太英的手指。Contrarily, united States bead is the person of that darkling jealousy, in a night, united States bead too flower killed, counting just about 12345 loosened too flower finger.

在黑暗的平原在一个遥远的地方的骨骼数以百计的匿名人躺在散落在土地下的红褐色泥土和草烧焦的赤道阳光。On a darkling plain in a far away place the skeletons of hundreds of unnamed people lie strewn over the land amidst the red dirt and brown grasses scorched by the equatorial sun.

对投影机亮度变暗的原因与维修、维护的范围及效果进行了分析,提出了维护、维修的方案及成本预测。This article analyses the causes of making projector's luminosity darkling and introduces their maintenance ranges and effect and brings forward their schemes of maintenance and their cost.