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猫和老鼠一样坏吗?Cats as bad as rats?

老鼠喜欢被挠痒痒。Rats like to be tickled.

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家鼠比玄鼠小一些。Mice are smaller than rats.

她对老鼠有病态恐惧。She has a compex about rats.

这条船上鼠多。The ship abounds with rats.

鲁博士,我能拿几只大鼠吗?Dr. Lu, May I have some rats?

有人就寄来过死老鼠。People have shipped dead rats.

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这房子被老鼠所扰。The house is pestered by rats.

当然,老鼠跟人毕竟是两码事。Obviously, rats are not people.

这房子鼠害猖獗。The house is overrun with rats.

我怎样才能消灭这些大老鼠呢?How can I get rid of these rats?

老鼠正在啮箱子。The rats was gnawing at the box.

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大老鼠和小老鼠是类似的动物。Rats and mice are similar animals.

看看他们。把自己关在自己的囚笼里。Look them all. Rats in their cages.

钓一些下水道的大老鼠作为晚餐?Fishing some sewage rats for dinner?

小阿尔伯特原本喜欢老鼠。Little Albert originally liked rats.

这个农夫用捕鼠器捕捉老鼠。The farmer sets traps to catch rats.

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他们应该像老鼠一样被杀掉。They should be killed off like rats.

正常大鼠无一只出现SIBO。No one developed SIBO in normal rats.

唯一的例外是非实验品。One exception was non-laboratory rats.